Team Progress Report #1 Spring 2017
TPR#1 Template provided on InSPIRESS Downloads page If you do not have a team name or logo yet, just erase the words in the template
Title Slide Add your candidate team name here Add high school name If nothing yet, High School and team number Add high school name Add team number Candidate logo??
Team List all of the people on your team First and last names Positions Everyone needs to introduce themselves
Team Identity Show us the concepts for the logo and slogan You don’t have to have one picked yet, but show us your ideas You need to explain how the team name, the logo, and the slogan relate These are your first choices that the review board sees – there needs to be logical explanation here
UAH Baseline Mission Describe the UAH vehicles You can use the slides that we provided you Tell us which vehicle you are on (and why you want to be on that one) This doesn’t have to be finalized, but give us your best guess so far Where do you plan on going Be specific! Naming a planet or moon is not enough! This should be because of your science objective Again, a best guess is good enough right now
Science Objective List the science objective (or objectives) You don’t have to have chosen yet, but give us your top three and explain why these are of interest to you You should answer the questions Who cares about this science objective? Why should they care? How will it change our lives/perspective, etc.?
Science Traceability Matrix Complete the matrix Include the science objective that has been chosen Include the other columns, ending with the instruments you believe are needed in order to measure data to support that science objective
Science Traceability Matrix Science Objective Measurement Objective Measurement Requirements Instrument Internal Structure Quakes/Vibrations Min 3 probes Stay on surface 4 hours lifetime Continuous measurement Accelerometer This is just an example! You can choose whatever Science Objective you want!