Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 16th @6pm WiC Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 16th @6pm
Upcoming Hackathon: Wichacks @ rit Upcoming Hackathon: Wichacks @ rit When: February 25th-26th Where to Meet: Campus Center Bus Circle @ 6:50-7:00am What to Bring: Snacks, Spending Money, Pillows, Blankets, a sleeping bag, a backpack, extra code from prior projects, change of clothes, etc. Bus Link:
What to Expect Collaboration with team members, learning, inventing, exploration, connections, and fun! All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) are provided and if you have a dietary restriction they usually have other options (gluten free, etc.) Companies looking to hire – upload your resume online in their Database! LOTS OF FREE ITEMS!!!
Itinerary Day 1 Day 2 9:45-10AM: Arrive at RIT 1AM: Snack 11:00AM: Kickoff API Talks 8AM: Breakfast 11:30PM: Lunch 11:30: 30 Minute Warning 12PM: Hacking begins 12PM: Hacking Ends/Lunch 1PM: Workshops/Tech Talks 1PM: Judging Begins 5PM: Dinner 2:30PM: Awards 6PM: MLH Mini Event 4PM: Leave for Oswego 9PM: Snack
NYCwic conference When: April 21st – 22nd Where: RIT Inn and Conference Center in Henrietta, NY What to Expect: Networking, Keynotes and talks, exercises to improve teamwork and communication skills, lots of food and fun! Bring: Resume for Career Fair, change of clothes, and an open mind.
Program – Day 1 April 21 12-3:30pm – Registration/Workshops 7-8:45pm – Poster Session Major League Hacking - Desert Served GIT 9-9:30pm - Break Girl Develop It Rochester 9:30pm – “Friday Night Fun” Imposter Syndrome Resume Workshop 3:00-3:45pm – Travel to RIT for Key Note 4-5pm – Reshma Saujani Keynote 5pm – Travel back to C.C. & Break 6-7pm – Dinner @ C.C.
Program day 2 8-9am – Breakfast w/Vicki Hanson (President of ACM) – Keynote 9-10:30am – Papers and Workshops Continuous Testing with Jenkins Understanding Mobile Security Using Interactive Modules Resume Workshop 10:30-10:45pm – Break – coffee and treats 10:45 – 11:45 – Panels and Birds of a Feather Panel: What They Don’t Tell You in School Panel: My Job is So Cool 11:45am-12pm – Networking Break 12-1pm – Lunch and Awards 1-3pm – Career Fair and Dessert
Grace Hopper Convention “Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, “We’ve always done it this way.” I try to fight that.” “It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.” An American computer scientist as well as a United States Navy Rear Admiral. She was the first person to create a compiler for a computer language.
G.H. Details The world’s largest technical conference for women in computing Sponsored in part by ACM Held in Orlando, Florida from October 4th – October 6th
What does this mean for you? WiC is sponsoring two students to attend this event. Full-time students who will be attending SUNY Oswego during Fall of 2017 and are a member of Women in Computing at Oswego are eligible to apply. Networking, learning, and experiencing through other women in the tech fields Further details on how to apply are TBD
SUNY Oswego Alumni: Lori cohen SUNY Oswego Class of ‘79 One of the first female graduates of Computer Science at Oswego Head of Data and Analytics at New York Life Insurance Company in NYC Pending dates: March 31st or April 7th
Katherine Johnson Known as the “Human Computer” Child prodigy in mathematics Worked at NACA and NASA Her work with analytic geometry helped her in the field From 1958 to 1986 she worked as an aerospace technologist Calculated the trajectory for Alan Shepard, the first American in space Calculated the launch window for the Mercury Mission Checked computer calculations for John Glen’s orbit around the Earth. Glen refused to fly without her approval of the calculations. Calculate trajectory for Apollo 11 Awarded the Medal of Freedom in 2014 First African American woman to desegregate West Virginia University’s Graduate program