Cost &Personnel Estimates Project Organization Mel Shochet for the FTK group December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Material Cost Estimate Cost basis Our engineers have a great deal of experience designing and building large hadron collider trigger systems CDF level-1 trigger and upgrades CDF calorimeter trigger upgrade CDF SVT and upgrades CDF muon trigger and 2-track trigger CDF level-2 trigger upgrade ATLAS ROI Builder The conceptual design in the Technical Proposal is described in detail including the needed FPGAs, memory chips, and interboard data transfer. December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
We and our engineers (in the US, the head of the Chicago Engineering Development Group; in Italy, the technical staff, Lanza, and Piendibene) estimated the cost for each board type: PC boards based on our recent experience with similar size and complexity boards the FPGAs and memory chips in the Technical Proposal an estimate for the rest of the parts based on similar recent boards an estimate for board stuffing based on similar recent boards separate estimates for prototypes and production Spares are included [For the U.S. responsibilities, the funding agencies were given estimates that included contingency: none on racks, crates, and fibers (based on industry prices) 15% on the HOLAs (advanced engineering stage) 30% on all other boards] December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
We did not take into account the typical drop in the cost of FPGAs and memory of a given capability between now and when production would likely begin (~2013). However changes in the $€ exchange rate could counteract that drop. For the AM chips for phase I, we used Europractice prices as of 2012, again not taking into account how prices for a given process tend to drop with time. In this case, exchange rate fluctuations, which are not predictable, could be even more important. December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Material Cost Estimate k€ [1€ = $1. 40, was $1 Material Cost Estimate k€ [1€ = $1.40, was $1.50 in the TP] (no contingency) Infrastructure units cost Racks 8 16 Crates with CPUs & power supplies 13 138 ROD-to-FTK fibers 250 65 Dual-output HOLAs 250 100 IntraFTK fibers and cables 200 20 FTK boards Data Formatter motherboard 60 170 Data Formatter mezzanines (pixel & SCT) 180 285 Processor AUX card (DO, TF, HW) 150 535 Processor main card 106 223 LAMB 424 207 TF/HW final board 43 115 ROD 4 20 December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Total except for prototypes: 2.6 M€ AM chip (major change after CERN ICHEP presentation showing large pile-up as soon as 2013) MPW submission 165 k$ small production 90 k$ MLM masks for pilot run (6 metal layer project) 500 k$ production wafers (pilot run, 6 metal layer project) 295 k$ TOTAL: 750 k€ Total except for prototypes: 2.6 M€ Prototypes (costed separately) 100 k€ This does not include R&D for a phase II 3D AM chip, for which we are seeking generic R&D support since it could also be used for a phase II level-1 track trigger for ATLAS and/or CMS. December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
What’s missing? ROS’s: Processor units: We didn’t know how many we needed or who pays for them. The simplest solution would require 6 ROS’s each with 1 ROBIN. (25 k€) [However, if we don’t pay for the racks, the budget drops by 16 k€.] Processor units: There is a discrepancy between the number of AM boards and AUX cards. Our original plan had 16 processor units per core crate. The current simulation shows that 12 would be sufficient for the planned maximum phase I pile-up of 41.5. For the AUX cards (U.S. responsibility), we cost 16/crate to have the maximum we might need. (budget drops by 143 k€ if 12 are needed) For the AM boards, we used 12/crate to make room for the added AM chip cost. (budget increases by 138 k€ if 16 are needed) There will be more certainty after we analyze real data and we know whether the accelerator can reach 25 ns bunch spacing or must stay at 50 ns and use the larger tune-shift & aperture margin to increase the bunch proton intensity. December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Personnel (FTE months) Engineering design testing Data Formatter 6 3 Processor AUX 8 3 HOLA 3 1 Final core crate board 6 3 ROD 6 3 Data Formatter mezzanine 6 3 Processor main board 6 4 LAMB 6 4 AM chip 10 4 December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
(Physicist FTE months) firmware testing Strict code writing format, documentation, and long-term maintenance. Ted Liu (Fermilab), who led a major CDF trigger upgrade, will set the standards. (Physicist FTE months) firmware testing Data Formatter 6 6 Processor AUX 12 6 HOLA 6 6 Final core crate board 6 6 ROD 9 6 Data Formatter mezzanine 7 6 Processor main board 5 6 LAMB 5 6 Integration & commissioning 48 months Online software (monitoring, initialization, error recovery) 36 months December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Personnel Argonne: G. Drake, J. Proudfoot, J. Zhang Bologna: F. Giorgi, M. Villa, A. Zoccoli Chicago: M. Bogdan, A. Boveia, F. Canelli (&FNAL), Y. Chang, A. Kapliy, Y.K. Kim (&FNAL), C. Melachrinos, M. Shochet, F. Tang, J. Tang, J. Tuggle, J. Webster Fermilab: J. Hoff, T. Liu, B. Penning, M. Verzocchi, J.Y. Wu Frascati: A. Annovi, M. Beretta, G. Volpi Illinois: M. Kasten, A. McCarn, M.S. Neubauer Milan: A. Andreani, M. Citterio, V. Liberali, C. Meroni, A. Stabile Northern Illinois: G. Blazey Pavia: A. Lanza, A. Negri, V. Vercesi Pisa: F. Crescioli, M. Dell’Orso, P. Giannetti, M. Piendibene, C. Roda, I. Sacco Waseda: N. Kimura, K. Yorita December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Associative Memory personnel include some people outside FTK and even ATLAS. University of Heidelberg: A. Schoening, H. Soltveit University of Ferrara: R. Tripiccione University of Perugia: D. Malagotti December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
M. Shochet, Project Manager P. Giannetti, Deputy Project Manager Organization M. Shochet, Project Manager P. Giannetti, Deputy Project Manager TASK LEADERS Hardware HOLA: M. Shochet (Chicago) Data Formatter: B. Penning (Fermilab) Clustering mezzanine: M. Beretta (Frascati) AMBoard: M. Citterio (Milan) LAMB: A. Lanza (Pavia) AMBoard & LAMB firmware: M. Piendibene (Pisa) AM chip: A. Annovi (Frascati) after 1st submission V. Liberali (Milan) AUX board: F. Canelli, M. Shochet (Chicago) Final core crate board: M. Neubauer (Illinois) ROD: J. Zhang (Argonne) December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Firmware standards: T. Liu (Fermilab) Firmware is the responsibility of the institute designing the board. System Integration: Tests & board integration in the vertical slice M. Piendibene (Pisa) DAQ integration: vertical slice/Demonstrator F. Crescioli (Pisa) Rack integration A. Lanza (Pavia) (including power supplies, cooling, and safety) Interface to level-2 J. Zhang (Argonne) FTK simulation G. Volpi (Marie-Curie Frascati-Chicago) December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
Coordination Up to now, we have had weekly meetings (1-3 hours each week) to review and give guidance on all aspects of the work: performance & optimization hardware software We will now move to independent weekly meetings in each activity area so that the work can be discussed in more detail. AM chip boards vertical slice simulation studies and data analysis December 2, 2010 FTK Design review
For each board, we plan a series of internal reviews. initial specifications before starting hardware design updated specifications and preliminary hardware work full design review before prototype manufacture review of tested prototype There will be similar reviews for firmware & online software. December 2, 2010 FTK Design review