Why Unit for Contract & Casual Workers?
About Us Unit for Contract & Casual Workers (UCCW) was set up in June 2006 following the call by union leaders at the NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference 2005 to look into helping the workers
Concerns of Contract & Casual Workers Low Pay No Savings Job/ Income Insecurity Concerns No Statutory Benefits Career Stagnation No Protection
Our Aim UCCW aims to help contract and casual workers to attain permanent employment with better wages by upgrading their employability skills by working with various partners.
contract and casual workers attain permanent employment with Our Approach to helping contract and casual workers attain permanent employment with better wages and better working conditions Membership and Benefits BSI and Fair Employment Terms Skills Training and Upgrading Support the TriCom on Tripartite Advisory on Responsible Outsourcing Practices
TCM Outpatient Medical Job Stability & Progression Training Welfare Enhancement Promote Skill Training & Upgrading TCM Outpatient Medical & Life Insurance Communicating & Advocating The Adoption of Best Sourcing Initiative Job Stability & Progression Better Terms Social & Recreation
Benefits Term Life Insurance TCM Outpatient Care at cost price @ NTUC Healthcare Benefits Term Life Insurance Discount for Breakfast at NTUC Foodfare Rebate at NTUC First Campus
UCCW’s Membership Card
Serving the Contract and Casual Workers Better - Centre for Contract and Casual Workers (C3W) Our new address: 141 Redhill Road, Block B #03-08 Singapore 158828 Tel : 6473-4295 Fax : 6474-0266 Email : uccw@ntuc.org.sg Website : www.uccw.org.sg
Services Available at Centre for Contract and Casual Workers (C3W) Advocacy Advisory services Employment Intervention Program WIS / WTS Resource Information Recreational & Social Activities Advocate Fair Employment & Responsible Outsourcing for service buyers & providers Provide Advice on Employment rights & other work-related issues Facilitate & help CCW on Training & Job Placement Help CCW to receive Workfare Income Supplement & tap on Workfare Training scheme Disseminate useful Information & resource materials tailored to CCW Support & organize recreational & social activities for CCW
Advocacy on Responsible Outsourcing & Best Sourcing Encourage service buyers and service providers to embrace Best Sourcing Initiative Incorporate Best Sourcing Elements in tender specifications Promote Price Quality Evaluation Method (PQM)
What does BSI mean to low-wage workers? Adoption of “best sourcing by Service Buyer allows workers to have:- TRAINING BETTER SKILLS BETTER PAY
Learning Journey on Best Sourcing Initiative
Learning Journey on Best Sourcing Initiative
Advice on Employment Rights & Work Related Issues Fair Employment Contract Basic Statutory Benefits and Entitlements Workplace Grievances
Facilitate and Help Contract and Casual Workers on Training & Job Placement Employment Intervention Programme (EIP) Personal Achievement Card (PAC)
Personal Achievement Card (PAC) Many of the low wage workers are not able to write their own CV or record their achievements The Personal Achievement Card will help to record the skills, qualifications, experience, training and certificates attained by the CCW Helps employers to verify competence and suitability for work and to structure training and induction for workers. Serves as a personal career development plan Employer Employee
Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) and Workfare Training Scheme (WTS) Educate them on the benefits of WIS Help workers to get back to employment to get WIS Help workers to register for WIS WTS Complement WIS by adding the training components
Resource Information Working closely with CPF MOM,NTUC Union membership, self-help groups, unions and other agencies to disseminate information and resource materials to CCW
Recreational & Social Activities Support and organise recreational and social activities for CCW for community engagement & emotional support
Celebrate with U – Chinese New Year
Wellness during Downturn Readiness for Upturn
“Excel With U” Seminar
Cleaners’ Day 2009
Cleaners’ Day 2010
Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) Membership Benefits Advisory on Workplace issues Advocacy of BSI Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) Facilitate WIS/WTS Fair Employment Terms Employment Intervention Programme (EIP) Recreational and social activities Personal Achievement Card (PAC) Resource Information
What do we want to achieve? 3B Results Better pay Better terms Better Employability High end contract/ permanent job Middle level Low end contract job Employability Tenure
Thank you