PERINATAL DEVELOPMENT Animal models and alternatives for translational and veterinary research Laboratory of Applied Veterinary Morphology, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Biomedical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Sciences, Campus Drie Eiken, U-building Gut development Liver and gut drug metabolism Low birth weight (LBW) has a negative impact on neonatal survival and long term growth. Our research group studies the effect of artificial rearing and several feed compounds on the development of the piglet’s gastro-intestinal system, with an emphasis on the gut’s motility and its neuroendocrine system. Techniques: Immunohistochemistry, image analysis, western blot, ELISA, etc. Contact: In view of paediatric drug development, Göttingen minipigs are increasingly being used in juvenile toxicity studies. However, knowledge on the ontogeny of their biotransformation processes is scarce. In our research group, we are investigating the ontogeny of several Phase I (mainly CYPs) and Phase II drug metabolizing enzymes in the liver and small intestine of juvenile Göttingen minipigs. Techniques: Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, etc. Fluorogenic and luminogenic assays, LC-MS, etc. Contact: BOMR Human CYP3A4 Resorufin © Ellegaard PERINATAL DEVELOPMENT Locomotion Drug bioactivation The maturation of the locomotion pattern is examined in the juvenile and preterm pig using classical step-gait analysis. The contribution of the musculoskeletal and nervous system to the development of the locomotory skills is unravelled in cross-sectional studies in which detailed anatomical descriptions are combined with microscopical parameters such as myelination and muscle fibre typing Techniques: Video recordings, step-gait analysis, etc. Anatomical dissections Immunohistochemistry, image analysis, etc. Contact: CYPs also play a key role in the bioactivation of proteratogens. These are compounds that are not teratogenic by themselves but their metabolites cause malformed embryos/foetuses. In our research group we investigate the bioactivation potential of zebrafish embryos, as this alternative model is currently used for teratogenicity screening by several pharmaceutical companies. Techniques: Immunohistochemistry, fluorescence microscopy Fluorogenic and luminogenic assays, LC-MS, etc. Contact: