June 18, 2017
Teach Your Children What Matters Most Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” PSALM 78:1-8 A Maskil A Teaching Psalm Teach Your Children What Matters Most
Things We Teach Our Children Don’t cross your eyes because, if you do, they’ll stay like that. Santa Claus will not come until you are asleep. Always put on clean underwear just in case you’re in an accident. If Mama’s not happy,
Things We Teach Our Children Don’t cross your eyes because, if you do, they’ll stay like that. Santa Claus will not come until you are asleep. Always put on clean underwear just in case you’re in an accident. If Mama’s not happy, ain’t nobody happy!
PSALM 78:1-8 What Matters Most in Our Teaching Is Teaching What Matters Most! PSALM 78:1-8 Parables: Revealing Message to Ponder Fulfillment in Matthew 13:35 in Explaining Why Jesus Taught in Parables
What You Teach Makes a Difference! Teach your children to PRAISE GOD (v4b) Psalm 145:1-4 Greatness, Power, Wisdom Teach your children to KNOW GOD (v5-6) Deut 6:1-9 Know His Word and How to Live Teach your children to TRUST GOD (v7a) Share Stories of God’s Delivery in Times Past Teach your children to OBEY GOD (v7b-8) James 1:22 Not Just Hearers but Doers of Word What You Teach Makes a Difference!