Marketing and Its Importance CTE Introduction
Marketing When the producer is someone other than the consumer, some form of exchange takes place.
Exchange Exchanges take place every day: Buying a hamburger Seeing a movie Visiting the dentist
DEFINITION: Marketing is the process of DEVELOPING PROMOTING DISTRIBUTING Products in order to satisfy customers !!!!!!! What are Products? GOODS SERVICES IDEAS
Marketing 4p,s ? Marketing is a process It involves the 4 p’s Product Pricing Promoting Placing
Marketing Products: must be planned Prices: must be determined Promoting: products is essential Placing: products must be accessible to customers
Marketing These activities link producers and consumers so exchanges can be made.
Marketing is all Around Us Marketing can be done: Phone Mail Computer Videotape Doorstep
What is Marketed? People Places Ideas Durable Goods Nondurable Goods Services People Places Organizations Ideas
Why is Marketing Important? Lubricant (competition, increased quality and productivity) Lower Prices: (choice reduces prices) Transferable Skills: Highest and Lowest Pay: (Larry H. Miller has a marketing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Makes buying convenient:
Why is Marketing Important cont... 1/3: of the jobs in the USA $ Highest / Lowest Pay( 50 to 60 cents out of every dollar goes toward marketing) Cornerstone / Entrepreneurship 25% Growth is USA Exciting: Work with people
Benefits of Marketing ? Raises the standard of living. Adds utility to goods/service. Makes buying convenient. Maintains reasonable prices. Improves the quality of life.
Benefits of Marketing ? Provides a variety of goods and services. Increases Production
Without Marketing . . . Increased Costs Less Variety Less Competition (economy suffers)
Without Marketing . . . Fewer product Improvements. Fewer products developed. Stock shortages and overages.
Usoe approved lesson plans (Utah Education Network) BUS: #1. cereal box #2. mkt. a cereal breakfast #3. mkt. through auctions #4. travel leisure co. project #5. grab bag marketing FACS: #1. chill tie-free enterprise #2. if I were a designer #3. marketing a restaurant #4. marketing a child care service #5. puppet factory #6. running a school bakery #7 don’t buy it TECH: #1. marketing a commercial #2. marketing a Olympics activity. #3. creating a company NOTE: Other creative activities are ok, if you use the standards (including, the 4 P’s)
We have a problem. 37,000 UTAH STUDENTS WILL START 9TH We have a problem! 37,000 UTAH STUDENTS WILL START 9TH. GRADE NEXT YEAR APX. 6,000 WILL GET A BACHELOR DEGREE 74% graduation rate in 1984. 67% in 2000 4 more years to get a bachelor degree $44,000 ($ 6,000 -$8,000 each year after H.S.) Goal: More degrees or certificates (35% students college ready and 90% of all jobs require additional training beyond high school.) PATHWAY’S Coherent groupings of courses Within FIELDS: technical,scientific,arts,social,mkt.,bus. AREAS OF STUDY:Ag,Bus,Family,Health,I.T.,Mkt,T. Ed, Trade Also They are typically linked with specific post-secondary degrees or certificates. 12 years of high school to graduate $22,000
Have a great day! Dale M. Stephens USOE The End Have a great day! Dale M. Stephens USOE