The Theatre of Absurd Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)
2. Historical background The aftermath of World War II increased by the Cold War. The atrocities of the Nazi concentration camps. The Allies’ atomic bomb. Disillusionment coming from the realization that Britain had been reduced to a second-class power. The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, 1945 The infamous entrance to Auschwitz.
3. New meaning of existence Awareness of man’s propensity to evil and conscience of the destructive power of scientific knowledge. The lack of moral assurance and the decline of religious faith. The disillusionment with both the liberal and social theories about economic and social progress. Mistrust in the power of reason. A sense of anguish, helplessness and rootlessness developed especially among the young
4. French existentialism Existentialism saw man trapped in a hostile world. Human life was meaningless and this created a sense of confusion, despair and emptiness. The universe was not rational and defied any explanation. Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980)
4. French existentialism The main exponent of this philosophical current was the French Jean Paul Sartre. Existentialists presented the absurdity of human condition by means of a lucid language and logical reasoning. Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980)
5. The Theatre of the Absurd: main features Absence of a real story or plot. No action since all actions are insignificant. Vagueness about time, place and the characters. The value of language is reduced; in fact, what happens on the stage transcends, and often contradicts, the words spoken by the characters. Extensive use of pauses, silences, miming and farcical situations which reflect a sense of anguish. Incoherent babbling makes up the dialogue.
6. The Theatre of the Absurd: main themes The sense of man’s alienation. The cruelty of human life. The absence or the futility of objectives. The meaninglessness of man’s struggle.
7. Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) Main works Waiting for Godot (written in French in 1952 and translated into English in 1954) Endgame (1958) Krapp’s Last Tape (1959) Happy Days (1961) Breath (1970) Samuel Beckett
8. Waiting for Godot No Setting: a desolate country road and a bare tree. Time: evening. Characters: two tramps, Vladimir and Estragon, bored by a day of nothingness; Pozzo and Lucky.
8. Waiting for Godot Theme: the static situation of waiting. Plot: the two tramps are waiting for a mysterious Mr Godot who never turns up.
Waiting for Godot, London, Peter Hall Co. 9. Waiting for Godot: characters Vladimir and Estragon are complementary. Lucky and Pozzo are linked by a relationship of master and servant. Vladimir and Lucky represent the intellect. Waiting for Godot, London, Peter Hall Co.
9. Waiting for Godot: characters Estragon and Pozzo stand for the body. The two couples are mutually dependent. The character the two tramps are waiting for is Godot Biblical allusions in this name.
Waiting for Godot, London, Peter Hall Co. 10. Waiting for Godot: structure The play has a circular structure it ends almost exactly as it begins. The two acts are symmetrically built the stage is divided into two halves by a tree, the human races into two, Vladimir and Estragon. It is pervaded by a grotesque humour. Its tone is tragic and desperate. Waiting for Godot, London, Peter Hall Co.
11. Waiting for Godot: themes Human impotence in the face of life’s meaninglessness. A static world where nothing happens. Absence of a traditional time there is no past, present and future, just a repetitive present. Disintegration of language absurd exchanges, broken and fragmented dialogues. The lack of communication use of para-verbal language: mime, silences, pauses and gags.
12. Beckett vs. Pinter Beckett Pinter Plot Obscure, non consequential True-to-life, consequential Setting Symbolic, bare Realistic, symbolic Theme Meaninglessness of human experience Oppression imposed by society on its weaker and non conforming members Stage Directions Repetitive, frequent Detailed, informative, clear Language Everyday, meaningless Everyday, simple, clear
12. Beckett vs. Osborne Beckett Osborne Plot Obscure, non consequential True-to-life, consequential Setting Symbolic, bare Realistic, related to working class Theme Meaninglessness of human experience Social critic against middle-class values Stage Directions Repetitive, frequent Detailed, informative, clear Language Everyday, meaningless Everyday, simple, clear 17