Blended Learning Study Group BILC 2016
Expanding Learning through “Posh” Homework
Categories Tasks: describe, report facts, hypothesize, support an opinion Skills: LC, W, S, RC Tools: grammar, vocabulary Topic: Being a EU member (example)
Outside Activities Identifying sources Reading an article Vocabulary activities, based on the article flashcards mind maps Gap filling Description of a topic-related picture: Task - description (voice registration tools) Create a timeline of reported facts: Task – narration (e.g., history of EU /Grammar: past tense & hypothesis/conditional) (online time line tools) Writing an article collaboratively
Collaborative Tasks
CATEGORIZATION OF COLLABORATIVE TASKS By product By group composition By learning environment
PRODUCTS Producing a group presentation individual research and joint preparation integrated skills: reading, listening, writing/typing, speaking Television or radio show individuals interview and record real specialists in various fields together, they edit and produce a show from the interviews Survey results students read background information & listen to class lecture prepare a survey of a related “hot” issue interview people on the street (working in pairs) collate results (“crunch the stats”) prepare a group summary/formal report (analysis & conclusion)
PRODUCTS, cont’d Military briefing classes divided into two groups students videotape themselves & upload them students comment on their own video and two other videos students comment on the comments Professional written work joint letter to an editor argumentative essay on a hot issue combined interviews of specialists on a hot issue (responsibilities split among the students for portions of the text) Others (depending upon proficiency level) Debate Conference Discussion
Group Composition Individual production with group feedback military briefing Individual preparation with group production television show Pair work collection of survey information Small/large group work organized by interest and/or proficiency level decision-making conference discussion (and group preparation)
By Learning Environment Classroom Home Street Offices A combination of the above
Challenges Differing linguistic strengths Differing content knowledge Introversion vs extraversion; level of natural leadership skills Levels of motivation and engagement Personality issues Level of autonomy developed
Autonomous Learning
Aspects of Autonomous Learning Motivation Guidance Follow-up from the teacher and input for resources (eg.: websites) needed Providing students with the opportunity to teach themselves Cultural aspects of language play a significant role Individual learning process develops
Autonomous Tasks Watching & listening Websites Developing vocabulary Reading Preparing for and then presenting something in class Researching, elaborating-collaborating Use of electronic media Videotaping Self-analysis