Day 26 – Appeals, Superhero, and DOIOPNPA combo Subtitle
Agenda Warm up PN PA practice Super Hero Appeals Closure
Objectives Understand and identify the author’s use of appeals. Understand and Identify Predicate Nominative and Predicate Adjective in a sentence. Analyze how authors effectively use argument. Homework: Study DOIOPNPA
Mrs. Louis is a wonderful English teacher. I like cake and ice cream. Warm up Mrs. Louis is a wonderful English teacher. I like cake and ice cream. Ashley seems happy and nice. Mr. Britt gave Mrs. Louis a pack of candy.
Download the PNPA #2 sheet. PNPA practice Download the PNPA #2 sheet. Work with your partner to dissect each sentence.
Everyone get into their 4 person groups and be silent Everyone get into their 4 person groups and be silent. Send 1 person to get a notecard that has your assigned superhero. Assign 1 person to gather color pencils/markers and 1 piece of paper.
Superhero Battle Activity Each small group will be a different superhero. The earth is in danger and I must choose one superhero to defend mankind as we know it. Using logos, pathos, and ethos, your group must convince me that your superhero deserves the honor of saving the world.
Superhero Name Logos Pathos Ethos 5 things in each column Superhero Activity Poster- *Must include a picture and 5 things in each column to prove you are the most worthy superhero. The poster will be hung up so it must be colorful! Superhero Name Logos Pathos Ethos 5 things in each column
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Powerpuff Girls
Write: Closure 3, 2, 1 3 things you have learned about appeals 2 examples of PA or PN. 1 question you still have regarding today’s lesson.