Wonder Woman. Let's go !
Wonder woman is a great heroine of the universe DC. But who hides under this face?
But who hides under this face ? Wonder woman is in reality princess Diana. Native of Themycira.(an island populated exclusively with riders whose origins are pulled by the mythology Greek)
She is a member of three main characters of universe DC with Superman and Batman.
She is the first great famous heroine and certainly the most known today.
Superpowers Her main power is her very big strength which makes of her one of the strongest super-heroes of the universe DC. She also has the power of super-speed and can fly.She can resist the fire,the explosions and even survive in the space for a while without lacking oxygen.
Her name is wonder woman Her name is wonder woman.She has blue eyes,long nose,long curly black hair,round face.She is tall and slim.
Her costume She carries a high cape which goes of the size up to the breast,with an eagle in the shape of « W » yellow and in gold.Her belt is also in gold in the shapeof « W » and she carries a blue skirt with white stars.She has in gold tiara with a red star.
Her enemy Circe is a legendary sorceress from Greek mythology who acts as a super-villain and enemy to Wonder Woman. Immortal and undying, she is a centuries-old enchantress with goddess-level powers.
Diana is wonder woman !!