SUNDAY 4th December 2016 The Christmas Dinner project Can you give vulnerable care leavers the gift of feeling loved, this Christmas? Sign up to volunteer for The Christmas Dinner project in Leeds! Donate presents/food, make decorations, dress the venue or cook – all help is welcomed! Volunteers needed on the run-up to Christmas and over the Christmas period. Find out more at: or email the team direct: Adventurers We are looking for someone to join the team and help lead Adventurers once a month or less. Please speak to Rachel Hirst or Hannah Ford for more information or are interested in joining the team 'Redemption Songs' James Dey is beginning a new community project for men and women leaving prison into the Leeds area to engage in music and the creative arts. He's looking for donations of unused or unwanted musical instruments to build up a stock of equipment that he can use to take into hostels and community centres. Guitars and keyboards are particularly useful but anything will be really gratefully received and all will be used to help ex-prisoner's rehabilitation and resettling back into life outside prison. Please contact James on 07731 865768, or Thank you! Accommodation If anyone knows of a house to rent (preferably 3 or even 4 bed: LS6, LS7, LS8, or LS17, and close to any bus route to the city centre), please let Ewa Koska & her family know ( Ewa, husband Przemek and their daughter Pola are relatively new at Chapel A, and also have their nephew living with them. They would like to move around February if possible. Thank you. Please note that we are not allowed to use the equipment in the lower playground and that any children playing there must be supervised by an adult. Thank you! Set up in November - Lis Farquhar Set up in December – Dave Herringshaw Today Stuart Esplin will be leading our worship. After the break we will be continuing our series entitled ‘Emotionally Healthy Church’, Robin will be speaking to us on ‘Slow Down to Live Better’. Welcome to Chapel A THIS COMING WEEK Tuesdays at 11am in the church office - a short prayer meeting with the staff and whoever would like to pray for Chapel A. Housegroups generally meet on Monday, Tuesday and alternate Thursday evenings. Please see notice board in corridor. Tuesdays - Totally Tuesday for Years 5-7, 6.30 - 8pm in Chapel All. Methodist Hall. Wednesday – WOW youth group for Years 8+ in Chapel Allerton Methodist Hall. Please contact Hannah Dey on 0113 320 1350 or 07930 330389 about any of our usual groups for young people. CAROLS IN THE PARK Carols in the Park is on Sunday 11th December from 4.30 till 5.30pm in Chapel Allerton Park. Please pray for the event and your part in it. Let’s be inviting friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues to come along! CiTP Heavy Mob We need able bodied volunteers to help with set up and take-down for Carols in the Park on the 11th of December. This is a really crucial job that needs a critical mass of people to make it workable. Set-up will be approx. 9am-11.30am and take-down approx. 6pm-8pm. If you can volunteer for either, your assistance will be greatly appreciated (and compensated with high-carb foodstuffs). Please e-mail James Bell (site manager) at stating your availability, a contact phone number and your doughnut preferences. Send newsletter notices and news to or phone the church office on 0113 320 1350 . Thursday is the cut-off for any notices for that Sunday’s news-sheet. Our new office address is First Floor, 126 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ. The ministers of the church are Simon Hall (0797 375 6440) and Robin Thomson (0798 035 6178).