Calibration Event Logging Status and Plans Presented to: CGMS-43 WGII/8 Paper: CGMS-43-EUMETSAT-WP-10
Task Team on Calibration Event Logging Outline Introduction Task Team on Calibration Event Logging Status WMO-OSCAR landing pages Towards common nomenclature and database standards
Background – Actions from CGMS-41 & CGMS-42 [CGMS-41 WGII/3 41.21] GSICS to take on calibration event monitoring activities following the recent work on calibration event monitoring. Such information should be included in the next update of the WMO OSCAR database. [CGMS-42: WGII/3 Action 42.01] EUM/NOAA/NASA/JMA/CMA/WMO and others to provide names for a task team on calibration events logging. [CGMS-42: WGII/3 Action 42.02] The new task team on calibration events logging to identify a common set of parameters to be monitored as part of the calibration events logging and sensor performance monitoring.
CGMS Task Team on Calibration Events Logging
Nominated representatives CGMS Task Team on Calibration Events Logging Name Organization Country Dr. Li, Yaun CMA China Mr. Miu, Peter EUMETSAT Germany Dr. Bojkov, Bojan ESA Italy Dr. Takahashi, Masaya MSC-JMA Japan Dr. Lee, Byung-Il KMA Korea Mrs. Yuhas, Cheryl NASA USA Mr. Bail, Manik NOAA Dr. Lafeulle, Jerome WMO Switzerland This table lists the members of the Task Team on Calibration Events as nominated by the different space agencies
Status WMO-OSCAR landing pages
Status on linking calibration event information to WMO OSCAR WMO OSCAR is a central data base that provides information on satellites and instruments operated by different space agencies. The status on action [CGMS-41 WGII/3 41.21] is: CGMS Task Team members recognise WMO OSCAR as suitable infrastructure to provide access to calibration information at different space agencies. [ongoing] WMO OSCAR is being be updated to allow linking to calibration landing pages at the space agencies [ongoing] CGMS Task Team members are asked to coordinate the preparation of stable landing pages, including information on: Instrument Specifications, Calibration Events, Calibration Monitoring, Data Outages. [ongoing] CGMS Task Team members are asked to provide WMO OSCAR with addresses of stable landing pages.
JMA HIMAWARI EUMETSAT METEOSAT-9 Examples of Landing Pages JMA HIMAWARI EUMETSAT METEOSAT-9 Examples of two space agencies that prepared separate landing pages, one per satellite per instrument. On each landing page 4 main categories appear: Instrument Specifications Calibration Events Data Outages Instrument Monitoring
Towards common Nomenclature and Data Standards
Adopting Common Nomenclature and Data Standards The calibration events task team is asked to identify a common set of parameters to be monitored as part of the calibration events logging and sensor performance monitoring [CGMS-42: WGII/3 Action 42.02] EUMETSAT made an assessment of the nomenclature used for calibration events across space agencies. This assessment revealed similarities in the type of events, but large difference in the nomenclature used. To further harmonize the manner of reporting on instrument calibration the next step of Calibration Events Task Team is to seek consensus on: Using common nomenclature of calibration events; Using common metrological SI standards for calibration monitoring; Using common data formats (e.g. NCDF, ..); Attuning to standards used in the GSICS CGMS program.
Proposed Recommendations and Actions
Recommendations/Actions To coordinate the preparation of stable landing pages, including information on: Instrument Specifications, Calibration Events, Calibration Monitoring, and Data Outages. To prepare a white paper outlining the set of parameters, the nomenclature, and the standards to be used for reporting on instrument calibration across space agencies to be presented at CGMS-44.
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