Arguments for the Existence of God – ‘theistic proofs’ Aim: Explore the teleological argument put forward by Aquinas. Proving God inductively.
The Design or Teleological Argument Derived from Greek telos – ‘aim’, ‘purpose’ or ‘goal’. The teleological argument looks at the idea of order and purpose in the universe. The teleological argument is a posteriori and inductive. start features in world and inductively infer Godhead. Follows conclusion only yield probabilities. Deductive – deals with certainties. Based on experience.
Has a long history – early forms put forward by Socrates and Plato in Timaeus. One of the most popular forms located in St. Thomas Aquinas’ fifth way to prove the existence of God. Located in ‘Summa Theologiae’ (the greatest things of theology). Tremendous influence. TA is based on the idea that the world was designed. Its main principle is that there is evidence for design in the world. Aquinas (1225-1274) argues from the fact of design in the world to the postulation of a designer .(the 5th way).
Proving God inductively P1: There is order and purpose (guidedness) in the world. P2: Order/purpose presuppose design. P3: Design presupposes a designer. C: Designer is God.
Title: The Design Argument (Tyler). Read and colour code notes on pg. 12-15 Tyler. Dictionary: Highlight key words to learn – definitions written on.
Read pack and colour code. Key words. Scholars names. Important points. Quotations. Tell – essays look like underline……..
Plenary: Key Cards Key Words Quotations - 2
See 5th way (the cosmological argument) He argued that for non-intelligent matter to behave in a way that is beneficial, there needs to be an intelligent power to bring this state of affairs about. This is God.
Synthetic – to deny does not entail a contradiction. Analytic – to a priori The proof of the statement does not rely on external evidence. For example: All bachelors are unmarried. John is a bachelor John is unmarried. a posteriori The proof of the statement relies on external (empirical) evidence. For example: the girls in year 11 achieved higher grades than the boys. Synthetic – to deny does not entail a contradiction. Analytic – to deny entails a contradiction