Summary of current activities


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of current activities WG2.NWP Summary of current activities

WG2.NWP Summary Hungary – Mile Mate Work on hold due to limited time. Plans to implement VarBC Poland – Witold Rohm, Karina Wilgan et al. See Karina’s presentation Norway – Roger Randriamampianina et al. Working as part of Harmonie consortium

WG2.NWP Summary UK – Gemma Halloran and Owen Lewis Testing hourly 4D-VAR assimilation with 45 minute cutoff in 1.5km model, soon to be extended over northern France, using observations every 15 minutes Investigating optimum strategy for bias correction (at the moment we don’t think VarBC is suitable for ZTD) Germany – Florian Zus Tested assimilation of horizontal delay gradients on top of ZTD and found some small positive impact

WG2.NWP Summary Spain – Jana Sanchez-Arriola Busy preparing new Harmonie suite for new supercomputer Working on tuning of VarBC coefficients and parameters, observation and background errors Sweden – Magnus Lindskog et al. Further studies of extended use of variational bias correction for GNSS ZTD are planned as well as studies with more advanced data assimilation techniques. Data assimilation studies with GNSS ZTD from NGA1 and NGA2. France – Jean-Francois Mahfouf See next slides

Recent developments at Météo-France on ground based GNSS Numerical weather prediction: new operational systems in December 2015. Changes to the use of observations in the convective scale model AROME : increase of radar data by a factor of 4 (55 %), increase of ground based GNSS by a factor of 2 (2.5 %) Revised white list of selected stations Ongoing studies towards an adaptative bias correction scheme for each (station, analysis centre) – still constant bias correction scheme METO SGN

GNSS reflectometry PRISM regional project (J. Darrozes –GET) Leica Antenna installed at Météopole Toulouse in June 2015 29.4m height Positions of the specular reflection points (01 August 2015) Time series of ISBA soil moisture vs. signal phase evolution over 2 months (r=0.64)