Reading and Phonics at Knaphill 14th November 2016 Mrs Victoria Moss
Welcome Fundamentals of reading and writing Learning letters and sounds Blending Tricky words Writing
A Confident Reader Letters have meaning and are read from right to left Flow of speech- sentences are broken into words Context- why do we read? Have a go at reading this sentence…
“!£$ ()*% (& £%&. Use the picture! Does it make sense? Count the words. “!£$ ()*% (& £%&.
Phonics Through phonics, we teach children the difference between the sounds and names of letters. There are 26 letters and 44 sounds Alphabet; a-z 18 digraphs
Learning the letter name ‘S’ and its sound ‘sssss’ Action; weave hand like a snake and say ssssssss
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qu r s t u v w x y z The Alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qu r s t u v w x y z
Digraphs – two letters making one sound sh, ch, th, qu, ng, ai, ee, ie, oa, oo/oo, or, er, ow, oi
This is called blending. The children can then use their knowledge of these sounds to read and spell words The letters are introduced in a particular order. Children begin reading and spelling words after the first six letters have been introduced. t-i-n t-a-p p-i-n This is called blending.
Reading Children… 1. … read and understand simple sentences 2. … use their phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately 3. … read some common irregular words (Tricky Words) 4. … demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read (comprehension)
Reading should be fun! Share, listen and read regularly Read for a purpose Build up reading time gradually Reading is complex!
To help your child read at home, please encourage them to: Point to the words Talk about the pictures Make predictions about what will happen next Talk about individual letters and sounds Ask lots of questions!
Sip It, Dip It, Tap It Sam sips it.
Children… 1. … use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds 2. … write some irregular common words 3. … write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others 4. … attempt to write words that are spelt correctly and others that are phonetically plausible Writing
Children use their sounds to spell words and write independently. Independent writing Children use their sounds to spell words and write independently.
http://www. oxfordowl. co Any Questions?