Environmental problems. Zyryanov Artem, 7 «В»
The word «environment» means all, what is around us The word «environment» means all, what is around us. But people had recently changed their surrounding. They’ve polluted practically everything they could: water, atmosphere, soil etc. So, it caused some problems which we must solve now.
There are different types of polluting: nuclear pollution, water pollution, air pollution etc.
Water pollution Most of factories and plants, which are near lakes or rivers dump all harmful substances in water. It causes water pollution. Fish, which live here is unhealthy and unsafe. But we eat it, because nobody said us that the fish is poisoned. Eating of this fish can cause some terrible diseases.
We dump… We receive!
Air pollution Of course, I’m going to talk about air pollution and global warming. Factories and cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide. But it doesn’t go out-it collects(as the scientists think)near ozone layer, which protects us from ultraviolet radiation, and the harmful gas destroys the ozone. If the ozone is destroyed, more heat comes to our planet, and it causes global warming and ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer
Nuclear pollution In my opinion, that one is the most dangerous among I’ve named. Some nuclear power stations can go wrong, like in Chernobyl in 1986. It became a national disaster in Soviet Union. Practically nobody lives even in 200 km from that place nowadays, because it’s still dangerous. Radioactive contamination can be caused by an explosion of nuclear bomb.
Solving Stop pollute our planet! Stop destroy it! That’s our world, we have no more space to live! Only we can stop it, as we began it.