Energy analysis: nuclear power By Ava Goldey, Quinn Minbiole, and Grace Butler Tamarac Elementary, Mrs. Seaver’s Third Grade Class + RPI EcoEd Mentor Kim Fortun
What is good about this energy source for producing electricity? Nuclear power comes from uranium, which produces more energy than coal or oil. Scientists say that “uranium-235 contains two to three million times the energy equivalent of oil or coal.
What is good about this energy source for producing electricity? Nuclear power does not produce the kind of pollution that causes global warming and climate change.
What is good about this energy source for producing electricity? Put explanation here and replace image (click on picture).
What is BAD about this energy source for producing electricity? Put explanation here and replace image (click on picture).
What is BAD about this energy source for producing electricity? Pollution from nuclear power plants can make people get cancer. This girl had thyroid cancer, and had surgery to get her thyroid removed. She lived near a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Russia.
What is BAD about this energy source for producing electricity? Put explanation here and replace image (click on picture).
HOW DO PEOPLE EVALUATE this energy source for producing electricity? After the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011, many Japanese wanted Japan to stop relying on nuclear power.
HOW DO PEOPLE EVALUATE this energy source for producing electricity? Describe the perspective portrayed in the image.
HOW DO PEOPLE EVALUATE this energy source for producing electricity? Describe the perspective portrayed in the image.
Tamarac 3rd graders energy analysts! What is good about this energy source for producing electricity? What is bad about this energy source for producing electricity? What do different people evaluate this energy source for producing electricity?
QUESTIONS FOR ENERGY ANALYSIS Is it difficult to capture this energy source? Is this energy source expensive to use? Does this energy source have negative health impacts? Does this energy source cause pollution? Is the energy source constrained by location? Is this energy source supported by the communities where it operates? What different perspectives do people have on this energy source?