WHAT IS NUCLEAR REACTION Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium Atoms in a process called fission .
Advantages of NUCLEAR energy Cheap and abundant form of energy Large amount of power is released from small amount Of active material Best from other conventional & traditional Sources like coal & petroleum. Complete fission of 1k.g of uranium is equivalent To 3100tonnes of coal & 1700tonnes of oil.
TYPES OF NUCLEAR REACTION Inelastic scattering Elastic scattering Controlled fission Neutron capturing Fission reaction Uncontrolled fission Fusion reaction
FISSION REACTION It is a nuclear reaction in which , when unstable heavy nucleus bombarded With high energy neutrons , it split in to two fragments more or less of Equal parts , this process is known as nuclear fission.
U235 + n → fission + 2 or 3 n + 200 MeV If each neutron releases two more neutrons, then the number of fissions doubles in each generation. In that case, in 10 generations there are 1,024 fissions and in 80 generations about 6 x 10 23 (a mole) fissions.
TYPES OF FISSION REACTION 1 – CONTROLLED FISSION- To maintain a sustained chain reaction , for every 2 or 3 Neutrons released only one must be allowed to strike Another uranium nucleus . A neutron absorbing element must be present to control The amount of free neutrons in the reaction space.
2-UNCONTOLLED REACTION - In an uncontrolled fission reaction such as that which occur In a nuclear bomb , each nuclei undergoing fission releases Two to three neutrons which than all stimulate additional Fission reaction.
NUCLEAR FUEL Nuclear fuel is any material that can be consumed to derive nuclear energy. The most common type of nuclear fuel is fissile elements that can be made to undergo nuclear fission chain reactions in a nuclear reactor . NUCLEAR FUEL
NUCLEAR POWER PLANT It is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor .As in a conventional thermal power station the heat is used to generate Steam which drives a stem turbine connected to a generator which produces Electricity. As of 16 jan 2013 , the IAEA Reports are 437 nuclear power reactors in operation Operating in 31 countries.
COMPONENT OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1-Nuclear reactor 2-control rod 3-steam generator 4-steam turbine 5-coolant pump 6-feed pump 7-condenser 8-cooling tower
NUCLEAR REACTOR A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are initiated, controlled, and sustained at a steady rate, as opposed to a nuclear bomb, in which the chain reaction occurs in a fraction of a second and is uncontrolled causing an explosion.
CONTROL RODS Control rods made of a material that absorbs neutrons are inserted into the bundle using a mechanism that can rise or lower the control rods. . The control rods essentially contain neutron absorbers like, boron, cadmium or indium.
STEAM GENERATORS Steam generators are heat exchangers used to convert water into steam from heat produced in a nuclear reactor core. Either ordinary water or heavy water is used as the coolant.
STEAM TURBINE A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into useful mechanical Various high-performance alloys and super alloys have been used for steam generator tubing.
COOLANT PUMP The coolant pump pressurizes the coolant to pressures of the order of 155bar. The pressure of the coolant loop is maintained almost constant with the help of the pump and a pressurized unit.
FEED PUMP Steam coming out of the turbine, flows through the condenser for condensation and re-circulated for the next cycle of operation. The feed pump circulates the condensed water in the working fluid loop.
CONDENSER Condenser is a device or unit which is used to condense vapor into liquid. The objective of the condenser are to reduce the turbine exhaust pressure to increase the efficiency and to recover high quality feed water in the form of condensate & feed back it to the steam generator without any further treatment.
ADVANTAGES Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global warming is therefore relatively little. This technology is readily available, it does not have to be developed first. It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single plant
Cheapest & abundant form of energy Large amount of energy production Operating cost less than thermal power station Less floor space is required As less fuel is required so less transportation charges
DISADVANTAGES Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear waste could be preferred targets for terrorist attacks.. During the operation of nuclear power plants, radioactive waste is produced, which in turn can be used for the production of nuclear weapons.
Waste product are radioactive and may cause damage to living tissues In form of skin cancer Hot water expelled out may cause thermal pollution Radiation which are produced due to radioactivity may cause harm If reaction get uncontrolled this may lead to complete disaster like CHERNOBYL disaster.
NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN india 6 nuclear power plant generate 4780 MW while 7 other are under construction & expected to generate an additional 5300 MW.
Kaiga NPCIL Karnataka PHWR 220 x 4 880 Kakrapar Gujarat 220 x 2 440 Kalpakkam Tamil Nadu Narora Uttar Pradesh Rawatbhata Rajasthan 100 x 1 200 x 1 220 x 4 1180 Tarapur Maharashtra BWR (PHWR) 160 x 2 540 x 2 1400 Total 20 4780
CONCLUSION …….. Finally it can be said that proper utilization of nuclear energy will Help the world in overcoming the energy crises as well as it will also Help in prevention of reduction of traditional exhaustible sources like Coal & petroleum which are left over in a little amount.