JUDO I have practiced the art of Judo since I was 6 years old. I have learned that Judo is : A fun sport An art A discipline A fitness program A self-defense A recreation or social activity … and more If you are interested in learning more about Judo click on the picture. Return to Personal Page
AIKIDO I learned about Aikido over the last 7 years. I have been taught that Aikido is: Unification of Mind and Body Ki Development Exercises Ki Breathing Ki Meditation Ki Healing Ki Aikido If you are interested in leaning more about Aikido click on the picture Return to Personal Page
KI “Energy” Actually I am curious in building my knowledge about “Ki”. I have been introduced to “Ki” as a vital life force energy. “Ki” is : For the healthy. For the ill. For the young. For the elderly. For the businessman or the artist. For the healer and bodyworker. For the martial artist. To learn more about “Ki”, click on the photo Return to Personal Page