IETM International network for contemporary performing arts
Mission IETM advocates for the value of the arts and culture in a changing world and empowers performing arts professionals through access to international connections, knowledge and a dynamic forum for exchange. Missió L’IETM defensa els valors de les arts i la cultura en un món canviant i apodera (enforteix) als professionals de les arts escèniques mitjançant l'accés a connexions internacionals, al coneixement I un fòrum dinàmic d’intercanvi.
Members 532 members 48 countries represented 88% of the membership is based on the European continent
Members Actors: cultural spaces, festivals, theatres, companies, producers, independent curators, research and resource centres, networks, governmental bodies Disciplines: theatre, dance, circus, music-theatre; new interdisciplinary forms: performance, installation, film and video, new writing, etc. Fields: programming, presenting, producing, providing residencies, creating, research, documenting and providing information and training
Activities Meetings Publications Career Development Collection & distribution of information Advocacy
Meetings Plenary Meetings: main IETM network meeting; twice a year; +/-500 participants; 25 workshops and performance programme Caravans: professional visit, an overview of a country’s performing arts’ scene, professional opportunities Satellites: particular topic; closer contact to a coutry/region; 20-200 participants Single-Day events / On The Road: consultation between the Secretariat and members based in the same country
Publications Fresh Perspectives: a series of publications that explores how the contemporary arts sector is engaged with the crucial issues of today's reality Mappings: a "map" / overview of the situation in a country / region, or of a specific topic Toolkits: short publications with a very practical approach to a specific topic
Career Development Programmes Staff Exchange Programme is an opportunity to join the team of another member organisation, and to host a professional from abroad IETMCampus is a summer school for performing arts professionals starting to internationalise their practice
Organisations founded and co-founded On The Move: cultural mobility information network Roberto Cimetta Fund: arts mobility in the Mediterranean Balkan Express: platform for collaboration in and with the Balkans ICARJ: International Coalition for Arts, Human Rights and Social Justice European Alliance for Culture and the Arts
Structure Board of Directors (7 members) is delegated by the General Assembly to make financial and management decisions Advisory Board (12 + 7 Board members) operates as a think-tank to discuss the direction of the network to maintain close relations with the membership Secretariat (7 employees, 2 interns)
Budget 2015 Global Budget: 625.000 € Membership fees: 195.000 € (32%) Own income: 50.000 € (8%) Subsidies: 380.000 € (60%)
Contact us: IETM Secretariat 19 Square Sainctelette 1000 Brussels - Belgium tel: +32 2 201 09 15 fax: +32 2 203 02 26 email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @IETM