Introduction To psychology Section:201 Chahpter 6


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction To psychology Section:201 Chahpter 6 Nouf Al-Ali Khodari ID: 200800203 Introduction To psychology Section:201 Chahpter 6 Development Over The Lifespan

Outline Innate Abilities infant posses Development Tasks of childhood Transition of Adolescence Development Challenges Adults Face

Nature and nurture are the issues of heredity and environment Development psychology is the psychology for growth, change and consistency from conception to death. Nature and nurture are the issues of heredity and environment

Nature Nature interaction means that we are all born with certain predispositions(nature)

A method of separating the effect of nature and nurture Adoption study A method of separating the effect of nature and nurture

Prenatal period The neonatal period Infants possess innate ablilites; Prenatal period is the development period before birth The neonatal period refers to the first month after birth. At this time, time the infant has sensory and social abilities.

Contact comfort : is the stimulation and reassurance derived from the physical touch of a care giver Attachment : is the enduring socio-emotional relationship between a child and a parent or other regular care giver

Types of attachment styles: Secure attachment Separation Anxiety Anxious Avoidant

The Development tasks of childhood include: Language acquisition Cognitive development Development of social relationship

Piagets theory: A mental structure or program that guides a developing child’s thoughts Piaget’s theory included three stages: The sensorimotor stage The preoperational stage The concrete operational stage

Social and emotional development include : Temperament Socialization

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder) This is a psychological disorder involving poor impulse control, difficulty concentrating on a task for a sustained period of time, high distract ability and excessive activity.

Adolescence is the beginning of early adulthood Emerging adulthood is the transition period between adolescence and adulthood

Midlife has many challenges Late adulthood : is considered to be the age of integrity includes physical and cognitive changes

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