SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT Information Technology Fiscal Year 2015 Q2 Forecast and 2014 Mid Range Plan August 19, 2014
Executive Summary Budget to Q2 Variance: Prior Year MRP - FY16 ($10+m) IT is expected to be $2.8m unfavorable to budget due primarily to: Accounting for SPIRIT World & C2 Sales net ($1.2m) Discontinued Brazil JV allocation to Fox ($0.7m) Unbudgeted / transferred headcount ($0.5m); AMMO ($0.4m) & ADM 1 HC Non cap associated with additional cap spending ($0.5m) Prior Year MRP - FY16 ($10+m) Incremental growth in Outside Services ($2.5m), Ad Sales, TV Networks, B2B, RPM and Archer Non cap & depr. on incremental FY15 projects ($3.7m) Groups transferred in FY15, net of allocation DMG ($1.4m), AMMO ($0.4m) TV Networks growth in UK – CSC ($1.2m) and SaaS ($0.2m) Telecom - Level 3 reduction, closed and consolidated lines of $3.0m
2013 MRP Prior Year to FY15 Budget & Q2 Forecast Budget was kept to 2013 MRP by adding Telecom $2.7m savings , offset by transfers and additional challenge of $600k
Overview CY Budgeted headcount higher than PY MRP by 19, offset by telecom cost & overhead allocation to projects Additional headcount in Q2 for Interactive (4) and AMMO (2) Incremental FY16 Costs: Six (6) incremental heads; (3) for UK TV growth, (2) for PARIS support and (1) Media Center support Elimination of DMG legacy salary allocation ($400k) SaaS for CSC ($500k), TCS – EIS ($275k) and Trintech ($200k) Telecommunications cost ($350k) due to one time AT&T refund Year over year gross overhead growth between 3% and 4% Outer year depreciation & non-cap spending based on 2013 MRP + incremental on active projects Assumes no changes to allocation methods to LOBs, 3rd parties, and projects (currently under review)
Year over Year FYE15 – FYE18
2013 Prior Year MRP vs. 2014 Current MRP (FYE16)
2013 Prior Year MRP vs. 2014 Current MRP (FYE17)
Projects & Non Cap Spending Project Spending Non cap Proj. Exp. Original budget of $62.5m capital spending was increased to $69.5m in Q1 Approximate non-cap impact of this increase is $500k FY16-FY18 assumed to be PY MRP + current year incremental
DMG ($3m) not in PY MRP + Incremental FY15 spending Depreciation Expense DMG ($3m) not in PY MRP + Incremental FY15 spending