State-Classification of Government and Citizenship Aristotle (384-322 BC) State-Classification of Government and Citizenship
Aristotle’s Introduction Aristotle was born in Stagira of Macedonian on 384 BC. When he became 17 years age, he went to Athens to study with Plato’s Academy, where, Plato regarded Aristotle as a great scholar. After Plato's death in 347 BC, he had wanted to be a chief of Plato's Academy, but he could not get such chance. Thus, he left Athens and settled at Atarnens at the court of Hermias, where he married the adopted daughter of his friend (Hermias).
Cont’d After 13 years, Aristotle returned to Athens in 335 BC and started his school, the Lyceum which became the intellectual centre in his days and after. He was a follower of Plato; however, he lived a comfortable life and believed in the utility of private property. Finally, he passed away in 322 BC. He has written many literatures. Among them, his famous book "The Politics" is very important to understand about his concept on state, government and citizenship.
Aristotle’s concept on State State as an union of families and villages for happy and self sufficing life. It is not an association of isolated individuals but an association of individuals already united as members of smaller groups, that is an association of association. State is a supreme natural association. the final and perfect form of human association self sufficient association having unity within plurality
Cont’d State (City) Village Village Family Family Family Family
Functions and Features of State To establish good life To attain self sufficient Arrangement of Education Provide facility to the citizens Features: No more of less, but manageable population. No more or less but manageable land. strong, spiritual and intelligence population. Best social organization Best education system
Classification of Government Aristotle says: State is a moral institution that establishes for good living standard of people. He mentions in his book "The Politics", about government and its classification. According to Aristotle: Government is a work-able institution to serve people. To clarify the classification of govt., he says: "If the supreme power is vested in one single person, it is a monarchy, if it is the rule of the few it is aristocracy and if the supreme is vested in many it is polity"
At first, he divides the government in pure and perverted form. Cont’d At first, he divides the government in pure and perverted form. If ruler rules over the people for best interest of people themselves, such government are said pure; and If ruler rules just for his/her interest, such government is said perverted government.
Aristotle has classified the government on the basis of number ruler/s Cont’d Aristotle has classified the government on the basis of number ruler/s RULE NORMAL FORM / BEST FORM PERVERTED FORM/ WORST FORM Rule by One Monarchy Tyranny Rule by Few Aristocracy Oligarchy Rule by Many Polity Democracy
Aristotle’s view on the Form of Government For the purpose of classifying government, Aristotle has divided the government into following parts: Monarchy and Tyranny: Aristotle says, Monarchy is the rule of one person for the good of the people and tyranny is the rule of the one person for his selfish ends. Aristocracy and Oligarchy: For this, Aristotle says: Aristocracy is the rule of the few for the interest of the people and Oligarchy is the rule of the few for their selfish interests. Polity and Democracy: According to Aristotle, Polity is the rule of the many in the interests of the people and democracy is the rule of the many for their own interests.
According to Aristotle: Cont’d According to Aristotle: Tyranny was the degenerated from of monarchy, oligarchy the regenerated form of aristocracy and democracy the regenerated form of polity. He says: Monarchy, Aristocracy and Polity were normal form of government whose aim is to serve to the people.
He says on the other hand: Cont’d He says on the other hand: Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy were perverted form of government whose interest is to rule over people for their own interests. In the Aristotle's view: Monarchy and Aristocracy are best form of government. Democracy is best system for today's regime; however, he understood the democracy as Bhid-Tantra.
Cycle of Government Aristotle also referred to the cycle according to which the governments change: When monarchy became perverted it degenerated into tyranny which was replaced by aristocracy. When aristocracy became perverted it also degenerated into oligarchy which was replaced by polity. And When polity became perverted it also degenerated to democracy which was set aside by monarchy. In this way, the cycle of governments continued.
Cycle of Government Polity Monarchy Tyranny Democracy Oligarchy Aristocracy Democracy Polity Oligarchy
Aristotle’s Concept on Citizenship He has described about citizenship in his famous book "The Politics", where he has mentioned basic criteria's of the best citizens. At first, Aristotle is not ready to accept following persons as a citizen: Persons, like alien, slave, who live even in the territory of state, can not be a citizen. Those persons who have no voting power and who have been exiled by the state can not also be a citizen.
After above discussion, Aristotle defines: Cont’d He says: Status of citizen should be determined by functions not by residential attachment. After above discussion, Aristotle defines: "A citizen is one who participate in the administration of justice and in legislation as a member of the deliberate assembly either or both these being the two essential function of sovereignty."
Citizenship, thus, signifies: Cont’d Citizenship, thus, signifies: The enjoyment of political rights and duties, and the state was coincident with the group of persons exercising these rights and duties. But this definition can be adopted in democratic system: Because monarchy and Oligarchy forms of government do not allow people to participate in governance actively.
According to Aristotle: Cont’d According to Aristotle: Person should have sufficient leisure to be a citizen. Because they should have sufficient time to participate in state's function and to protect slave as well as property. Following person shall not have sufficient time for this purpose: Slave Physical labors Minor and aged persons Culprit
The person who want to be a citizen, should have sufficient property. Cont’d Aristotle says: The person who want to be a citizen, should have sufficient property. Because: The person, who has no property, can not present his/her competency or fitness. The person, who has no property, can not pay due attention in politics and state performance. The person, who has no property, may not have any experience of politics.