Theme № 15. The main stages of formation and development of the world of social - political thought.
Plan: 1. The formation and development of political thought in the history of human civilization. 2.Sotsialno - political scientists of the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 3. Political thought in modern times.
1. The formation and development of political thought in the history of human civilization. 2.Sotsialno - political scientists of the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 3. Political thought in modern times.
a) the emergence of political thought in the ancient world b) development of social - of political thought in the Middle Ages; c) political thought in the Renaissance, d) political thought in modern times.
The emergence of political ideas in the Ancient East (Egypt, Babylonia, India, China), in ancient Greece and Rome, associated with the development of social mode of production and social differentiation of society, the appearance and functioning of the state.
In the teachings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived in the VI-V centuries. BC, the great, the problem of human rights and humanitarianism. It reflected the universal values: respect the elderly and the works of scientists, wisely use the wealth of nature, man himself determines destiny. The main provisions of the teachings of Confucius, has not lost its importance.
Highest development of political thought in the ancient world reached the teachings of Plato (427-347. BC), Aristotle (384-322 BC), Democritus (460-380 years. BC) etc. Further development of political thought in the writings of Aristotle was the middle. Political Aristotle described in his work "Politics", where he analyzes the different forms of government the state.
It was Aristotle first most clearly expressed the idea of the need of separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial. Most prominent political thinkers of that time were Augustine of Hippo (354-430) And Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).
Augustine was born in North Africa and was Tagaste (in present-day Algeria). He was considered one of the "fathers" of the Western Christian Church and was one of the most active leaders. The main feature of the socio - political views of Augustine - the rationale and justification of inequality in society. This situation, according to Augustine, ordained by God.
The further development of political thought in the West against the background of the revolutionary movements of the first half XVI XIX centuries. In modern times, there was a galaxy of brilliant thinkers: Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, etc. Some researchers have considered the founder of modern politics as a science, English thinker.
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) His political doctrine he outlined in a philosophical work, "the citizen" and the treatise "Leviathan, or the matter, form and power of the state ecclesiastical and civil." Hobbes saw the state as a human, and undivine establishment.
A different position was John Locke (1632-1704), Expressing the needs of the more mature society. He laid special emphasis on the property and work as an inalienable property rights. Radical - democratic tendencies of the XVIII century. most clearly expressed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), it was his idea of direct democracy. He believed that no parliament can not represent the people, and therefore every law must be accepted by all the people, that is, by referendum.
Conservatism arose in reaction to the French Revolution, which was seen by its representatives as social chaos and destruction. The Conservatives have called for the restoration of the old social order and revive the traditional values of the feudal-aristocratic order.
According to the teachings of conservatives, society itself is gradually being improved by domestic laws. Crucial in life, they argued, are habits, customs and traditions of people. Therefore, the main criterion of social development Conservatives believe the changing nature of the manners and customs of the people.
They sought to justify the need to preserve the traditional way of politics related to the monarchical rule. Fundamental principle of the ideology of liberalism is the idea of freedom in human society, the right to life, private property, the ability to define their own life goals.