Using a proven broiler model to differentiate mineral bioavailability of GemStone™ OTM from inorganic sources GemStone Organic Trace Mineral (OTM) Vs.


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Presentation transcript:

Using a proven broiler model to differentiate mineral bioavailability of GemStone™ OTM from inorganic sources GemStone Organic Trace Mineral (OTM) Vs. Inorganic Standard Minerals

Outline Introduction Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 1b Objective & Procedures Results Relative Biological Value Experiment 2 Experiment 1b Experiment 3 Summary

Introduction Young broiler chicks are typically used to determine trace mineral availability and requirements great sensitivity of young, rapidly-growing animals Tests to determine the relative bioavailability of trace minerals must be conducted at low (< 30 ppm) trace mineral basal levels that result in a significant response of the test materials relative to the basal diet Relative Biological Value (RBV) - relative to trace mineral sulfate standard. Prophylactic trace mineral levels, above normal premix and dietary levels, are typically fed to commercial birds test model of 49 day-old market age broilers essential to determine therapeutic value of zinc and manganese levels

Experiment 1 Objectives Procedures Determine zinc availability of GemStone OTM compared to zinc oxide and zinc sulfate in broiler chickens Procedures Ross 708 male broiler chicks reared in battery brooders, with raised wire floors. Supplemental Zn provided at 10, 20, 30, & 40 ppm above basal Zn (23.3 ppm) 8 birds/cage; 10 cages/treatment Broilers fed a semi-purified, low-Zn ration from 0 – 7 days of age (Zn depletion) Birds fed test diets from 8 – 21 days of age Live performance measured Tissue zinc determined (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Zn Oxide (Negative Control) Zn Sulfate GemStone OTM Treatments Zn Oxide (Negative Control) Zn Sulfate GemStone OTM 1 Using Zn from each Zn source, added Zn replaced cornstarch and was adjusted to contain either 10, 20 or 30 added Zn levels. 2 Zinc Sulfate served as both standard and Positive Control and was added at the rate of 10, 20, 30 and 40 ppm Zn. 3 Negative Control (no ppm Zn added) served as Negative Control. 4 Basal ration (without added Zn levels) contained 23.3 ppm Zn. (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved body weight † of growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved feed intake† of young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 b b † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 feed:gain† of young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved bone ash % † for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved liver zinc † for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 b c † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved pancreas zinc † for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 a b c † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone Zn 260 significantly improved bone zinc † for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)1 † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., control group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Slope-Ratio Used to Determine Relative Biological Value (RBV) RBV of GemStone OTM: 3.48 ÷ 2.74 = 127% (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Relative Biological Value, % Relative Biological Value of Zinc From GemStone Zn 260 vs. Zinc Sulfate Item Relative Biological Value, % Body Weight 127.07 Bone Ash 129.20 Liver Zinc 126.12 Pancreas Zinc 124.26 Bone Zinc 130.12 Assumes 100% availability from zinc sulfate standard (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Experiment 2 Objectives Procedures Determine effects of prophylactic zinc and manganese from GemStone OTM compared to oxides and sulfates on live performance, bone ash, and coccidial lesion score of broilers reared from 0 to 49 days of age in floor pens. Procedures Ross 708, mixed-sex broiler chicks 50 birds/pen; 12 pens per treatment Fed commercial-type mash feed Starter: days 0 to 21 Grower: days 22 to 42 Finisher: days 43 to 49 Body weight and feed consumption measured days 21, 42 & 49 Bone ash and coccidial lesion scores determined days 21 & 49 (AHPharma, 2014-2)

Coccidial Lesion Scoring Johnson and Reid, 1970.

TEST MATERIAL (additives)1,2,3 Treatments Ration Number TEST MATERIAL (additives)1,2,3 Negative Control 100 ppm added Zn and 100 ppm added Mn from sulfate sources. Positive Control Negative Control + 40 ppm added Zn and added Mn @ total 140 ppm Zn and 140 ppm Mn from sulfate level. Neg Control + 20 ppm OTM Negative Control + 20 ppm added Zn and 20 ppm Mn from GemStone Zn 260 and GemStone Mn 220. + 30 ppm OTM Negative Control + 30 ppm added Zn and 30 ppm added Mn from GemStone Zn 260 and GemStone Mn 220. + 40 ppm OTM Negative Control + 40 ppm added Zn and 40 ppm added Mn from GemStone Zn 260 and GemStone Mn 220. 1Each treatment was fed to 12 replicates of 50 mixed-sex broilers. 2Copper sources were furnished by Phibro Animal Health Corporation. 3A basal (with enough feed for the entire treatment) was mixed first and then each zinc/manganese premix mixture was added and remixed. (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2)

c b ab a Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) d cd bcd ab a Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) d cd bcd ab a Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) b ab a Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) d bc cd a b Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm GemStone Zn + 40 ppm GemStone Mn Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) bcd de ab a Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

(AHPharma, 2014-2) Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) bc a Positive Control (40 ppm ZnSO4 + 40 ppm MnSO4) NC + 20 ppm GemStone Zn + 20 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 30 ppm GemStone Zn + 30 ppm GemStone Mn NC + 40 ppm 40 ppm GemStone Mn NC (100 ppm ZnSO4 + 100 ppm MnSO4 ) Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-2)

GemStone™ vs Competitors Effect of Various Zinc Mineral Sources on Nutritional Bioavailability and Broiler Performance Experiment 1b GemStone™ vs Competitors (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Trial Design Treatment Description LR130123-02 Zn Oxide* (Negative Control) LR130123-03 OTM Competitor A LR130123-04 OTM Competitor B LR130123-05 GemStone OTM LR130123-07 OTM Competitor C LR130123-01 Zn Sulfate* (Positive Control) * Inorganic Trace Minerals (ITM) (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Effect of Zn source on biological data for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)† 1 e c a b d † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., CONTROL group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Effect of Zn source on biological data for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)† 1 bc bc c d † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., CONTROL group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

Effect of Zn source on biological data for young growing chickens (0-21 days of age)† 1 † Values are the average of all Zn levels from each source. 1 Does NOT include zero (0) added Zn level (i.e., CONTROL group). (AHPharma, 2014-1)

GemStone OTM (Organic Trace Minerals) Broiler Trial – 2014 Experiment 3 (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Trial Design Treatment Description PHIBRO3-1 Zn Sulfate* (Negative Control) PHIBRO3-2 Zn Sulfate* (Positive Control) PHIBRO3-3,4 GemStone OTM PHIBRO3-5,6 OTM Competitor A PHIBRO3-7,8 OTM Competitor B PHIBRO3-9,10 OTM Competitor C PHIBRO3-11,12 OTM Competitor D * Inorganic Trace Minerals (ITM) (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a a a ab ab ab b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) c bc ab ab ab a a Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a a a ab ab ab b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a a ab abc abc c d Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) d c b b a a a Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) ab a ab ab ab c d Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a a ab ab abc c d Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) c b b ab ab ab a Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) ab a ab ab ab ab b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a ab ab ab a ab b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) f de bc abc ab a a Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a ab ab ab a ab b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Negative Control = NC (AHPharma, 2014-3)

(AHPharma, 2014-3) a a a a a b b Negative Control = NC Means with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05). (AHPharma, 2014-3)

Summary Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Relative biological value and zinc deposition measures of Zn from GemStone OTM was approximately 24% to 30% greater than Zn from zinc sulfate Experiment 2 20 or 30 ppm added Zn & Mn from GemStone OTM provided similar results as 40 ppm added Zn & Mn from sulfate sources for live performance and coccicial lesion scores 40 ppm added Zn & Mn from GemStone OTM improved live performance and coccidial lesion scores vs 40 ppm added Zn & Mn from sulfate sources Experiment 3 20 ppm of added GemStone OTM provided similar results as 40 ppm zinc sulfate 40 ppm added Zn from GemStone OTM improved live performance vs 40 ppm added Zn sulfate Overall: GemStone OTM’s are a highly available source of supplemental dietary trace minerals (AHPharma, 2014-1, 2014-2 and 2014-3)