Immediate response systems GSR 989
Outline Why? TurningPoint Clickers Tips and Tricks Alternatives
Why? Image source:
Why? Students know immediately whether they are correct (Micheletto, 2013)
Why? Comfort for struggling students (Micheletto, 2013)
Why? As the instructor, you can track which students are struggling and provide additional support (Micheletto, 2013)
Why? Participation and engagement (Micheletto, 2013)
Why? Immediate feedback to instructor
In your opinion, which is the #1 greatest reason to use student response systems? Immediate feedback to students Comfort for struggling students Ability to track students Participation Immediate feedback to instructor
What are your top 3 reasons? Immediate feedback to students Comfort for struggling students Ability to track students Participation Immediate feedback to instructor
TurningPoint Clickers Usask has a partnership with Turning Technologies Receivers installed in many rooms Students can buy clicker devices from Campus Computer store—trade in after graduation Students can buy license to use an app instead of a clicker device Students register clicker on PAWS
TurningPoint Clickers Integrates easily into PowerPoint slideshows Good for asking multiple choice, true/false, numeric, and ranking questions To get set up visit: and/or email Tyson Brown at ICT:
Tips and Tricks “I have no clue” True/false confidence level Data slicing Anonymous Peer instruction
Which is NOT a nickname for Saskatoon? Hub City Paris of the Prairies River City POW City Science City I have no clue Potash, Oil, Wheat
The University of Saskatchewan was founded in 1905 True w/ high confidence True w/ low confidence False w/ high confidence False w/ low confidence
What is your age? 30 or under Over 30
Who is your favourite James Bond? Daniel Craig Pierce Brosnan Roger Moore Sean Connery Timothy Dalton
Do you support “doctor assisted death” for the terminally ill? Yes No Unsure
A farmer wants to cross a river and take with him a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. There is a boat that can fit himself plus either the wolf, the goat, or the cabbage. If the wolf and the goat are alone, the wolf will eat the goat. If the goat and the cabbage are alone, the goat will eat the cabbage. In order for the farmer to get all three across, which are the first two items he must take across? Wolf, then goat Wolf, then cabbage Goat, then wolf Goat, then cabbage Cabbage, then goat Cabbage, then wolf Farmer takes Goat across (leaving Wolf and Cabbage behind) Farmer returns alone Farmer takes Wolf across Farmer returns with Goat * We now have the Farmer, the Cabbage and the Goat on one side and the Wolf on the other side Farmer takes Cabbage across Farmer takes Goat across You have 30 seconds to answer!
Alternatives Learning Catalytics Socrative Today’s Meet Twitter Google Forms and Docs Students holding up answer cards / whiteboards Today’s Meet great for think, pair, share
Summary Go to and answer the question: What is one new and exciting thing you learned about using immediate response systems in teaching?