Presented by your WHS Counselor Senior Reminders Presented by your WHS Counselor
Graduation Updates “Senioritis”: Beware!!! Senior grades count!! Graduation status letter will be sent home in late February: Check over enclosed transcript carefully for accuracy – verify your remaining requirements. Senior “Speak Off”: If you are interested in participating in the competition to deliver the WHS commencement address, you must: attend a workshop on Feb. 13th, submit your speech by February 28th and deliver your speech before a panel of judges on March 21st. Fliers are available with more specific details. See Mrs. Bradley in the counseling office with questions.
Community college reminders Community College Registration Process: 1. Apply Online: Note your community college ID # (necessary for placement testing) Early Bird Application Dates: IVC: Now – March 31 OCC: Starts Feb 19th -> rolling admission 2. Matriculation: Testing: Available for IVC on Tuesday, March 26 1-4 in J113 / sign up by March 21 Available for OCC on Thursday, April 11 1-3 in Media Ctr. / sign up by April 9 **check your email for a link to register for either test (cannot take both) on Naviance** Orientation: Online or on campus – check college website for details. 3. Enrollment Senior Day Information: IVC Senior Day – Tuesday, March 5th OCC Senior Day – Tuesday, February 26th **Bus transportation to both Senior Day events is available on a first come, first served basis and will fill fast! Permission slips which require a parent signature are available from Mrs. Hodes-Der in the Counseling office. Mrs. Hodes-Der Remind students that if they are in doubt about which community college they will be attending, take the IVC placement test because the results will also count at OCC where the reverse is not true.
4 year college reminders: Create and check college “portal” accounts regularly for: Missing requirements Transcript requests Admissions Status EAP (Early Assessment Program for CSU) Status Financial Aid Status Housing applications Student Intent to Register (SIR) due May 1st.
7th semester transcripts and/or “Mid- Year Reports” Required by all Common Application colleges Required by some CSU and Private Universities Complete form and return to your counselor
Financial Aid FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid is available to complete online now through March 2 Missed the evening financial aid workshops? Power Point and hand outs are available on counseling website under “Parent Resources” Scholarships – Research scholarship opportunities through the college and career center monthly newsletter and through Naviance Family Connection.
5 months to go!!! Questions?? See your assigned counselor. Counselors are in media center today and tomorrow and in our offices for appointments after that. See you soon.