KeePass Password Safe Dan Koller Jesse Cowan
Introduction Cross platform, open source application (KeePass Password Safe is the original Windows application) Helps manage passwords in an easy & secure way Uses a highly encrypted database locked with one master key
Purpose Saves a lot of information such as user names, passwords, url’s, attachments, in a single database Very intuitive interface with user-defined titles and icons You may sort entries into categories such as Email, General, Network, Internet, etc
Adding an Entry Highlight desired category, select “Add Entry”
Adding an Entry Fill in required fields
Adding an Entry Generating Passwords
Adding an Entry
Saving Your Database Once your entries have been made, you can then save your database
Saving Your Database Can save database file locally
Saving Your Database Can save database file remotely
Conclusion Easy to use Intuitive, user friendly Useful for anyone who maintains multiple accounts/passwords Can be used by employees, students, any security conscious user Watch where you save database file, can be easily deleted Must have KeePass installed to view database file contents