Presented by United Arab Emirates MID ATM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (MAEP) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Presented by United Arab Emirates
Traffic growth at major airports WHY THE NEED FOR CHANGE The current airspace structure will be unable to handle the sustained forecasted traffic growth within the MID region. Open Skies agreements Traffic growth at major airports National / Regional airlines investments
Develop a scalable ATM system in the MID that is: OBJECTIVE Develop a scalable ATM system in the MID that is: Performance-based Addresses ATM community expectations Cost-efficient Environmentally sustainable and Globally harmonized
Increase access to all MID Airports Increase MID airspace capacity SCOPE Increase access to all MID Airports Optimal access to the route network from departure and destination airports within the MID as well as with adjacent FIRs Take into account national security issues Make optimum use of Performance Based Navigation and Continuous climb/descent operations. Increase MID airspace capacity Most efficient route structure within the MID Include the Military Forces, national and regional airlines as well as international organizations. Make optimum use of Performance Based Navigation Improve safety Enhance Air Traffic Management Safety Reduce coordination and workload due to harmonization
Non Optimized en-route structure Non Optimized TMA Operations GROWTH RESTRICTIONS Fragmented Airspace Special Use Airspace Military airspace Airspace Structure CNS infrastructure Non Optimized en-route structure Flow restrictions Neighboring FIR restrictions Over flights VS Domestics Non Optimized TMA Operations Inefficient SIDs/STARs Lack of CDM
Non Optimized Air Traffic Control GROWTH RESTRICTIONS Non Optimized Air Traffic Control Sectorisation Equipments Procedures Airport Operations Runway throughput Slot allocations Parking & Ground Handling
PROPOSAL – PROGRAM PHASES Phase 1 - The MID Airspace Study Phase 2 - The MID Airspace Design and Implementation Phase 3 - The MID Airspace Post Implementation Review.
PHASE 1 - STUDY The study objective is to assess the MID Airspace, ATM procedures and CNS infrastructure in order to: Increase MID Airspace Capacity; Increase access to all MID airports; Improve airspace safety and efficiency; Reduce Environmental impact of the increasing traffic by providing more efficient ATM operations.
APPROACH Stakeholder Sessions & Plans Review Stakeholder Findings End Stage Statement Current Situation Analysis Future Situation and Gap Analysis Current Situation 2020 Gap Summary 2025 Gap Summary 2030 Gap Summary Gap Analysis Recommendations Con-Ops Final Report
Project plan reflective of the actual start date with Timelines DELIVERABLES 1. Project initiation: Project plan reflective of the actual start date with Timelines Deliverable milestones Communications plan. Stakeholder presentations and questions
2. Assessing the Current State (How we do business now) DELIVERABLES 2. Assessing the Current State (How we do business now) Evaluate current ATM, Airspace and CNS operations based on stakeholder consultations Validate and integrate growth forecasts and ATM assumptions Evaluate MID Current Structure and Classification of CTA, CTR, SUA
3. “End Stage” Statement (How we will do business in the future) DELIVERABLES 3. “End Stage” Statement (How we will do business in the future) Develop an End Stage Statement based on the ICAO GANSP, ASBUs, ATM Strategic plans and MID region priorities, in order to validate the MID ATM strategy and to properly set the standard for the Gap Analysis. 4. Gap Analysis Conduct a gap assessment on current capabilities and compare those to the END STAGE statement. Evaluate optimum capacity and efficiency, en route, safety, and environmental issues
5. Formulate Concept of Operations Plan DELIVERABLES 5. Formulate Concept of Operations Plan considerations: An Agreed Scope and Objectives An Agreed ATM/CNS assumptions An Agreed PBN performance criteria National security requirements Defined safety and performance criteria Operational requirements Most efficient route structure High level CDO/CCO/SID/STAR integration with current and planned airports
7. Detailed path towards implementation DELIVERABLES 6. Review Draft Concept of Operations Plan with All Stakeholders (MAEP SG) Evaluate further input on Concept of Operations from all stakeholders Revise Concept of Operations in response to CDM input Produce high level Concept of Operations 7. Detailed path towards implementation Develop a detailed path towards implementation of the recommendations of this study as an RFP for Phase II of the MID Air Space Project
TIMELINES Deliverables Deliverable ID Start Date End Date Contract Signature D01-COS Project Initiation D02-PPL Stakeholder Consultations Findings Review D03-SCF “Initial Quick Look” - Current MID Airspace and ATM Assessment D04-IQL End Stage Statement D05-ESS Gap Analysis report D06-GAP Gap Analysis Presentation D07-GPP Findings and recommendations “Second Quick Look” report D08-SQL Concept of operations presentation to all stakeholders D09-COP Final MID Airspace Study Report D10-FRP
Requires written commitment to MAEP CONCLUSION Requires written commitment to MAEP Memorandum of Agreement State acceptance of technical control by MAEP-SG Requires Financial solution
The establishment of the MAEP-B and MAEP-SG RECOMMENDATION States commit to MAEP The establishment of the MAEP-B and MAEP-SG Nominate a member state to act as the MAEP-PMO Draft MAEP-B & MAEP-SG TOR MAEP-SG to prepare initial project documentation (SoW, RFP, etc)