SubAnywhere: Setup and Configuration
SubAnywhere Configuration in SAMPro Records to Update In SAMPro: Technician Record Vendor Record Rate Schedules / Other Rate Tables for Vendors Client Site Equipment (optional override of Vendor rates) Scheduled Event Profiles
Vendor Record for SubAnywhere Subcontractor
Vendor Record for SubAnywhere Subcontractor On the Vendor’s Defaults Tab, verify that the Rate Schedule Id is properly completed. SubAnywhere only allows the Other Rates on the selected Schedule to be entered. Save the record if you have made any changes.
Vendor Rate Schedule for Negotiated Rates For Vendor’s Rate Schedules, only the Other Rate column needs to be completed. The Other Rate Table defines which Other Rates your Subs will be allowed to choose in SubAnywhere from their drop-down charges list. If you have negotiated rates, the Rate column should be completed; SubAnywhere users will NOT be able override the price or description when they enter this charge. If the Rate column is empty, the SubAnywhere user can enter price and unique description.
Override Vendor Rate Schedule by Equipment An override to the Vendor’s Rate Schedules may be specified in the Site Equipment record. For example, special higher negotiated rates might exist for equipment located in Manhattan. In this case, this override would be use to generate the Charges drop down list in SubAnywhere for this equipment.
Adding/Editing a Tech Record for the Sub On the Vendor’s Main Tab, if the Add Tech button appears, click it to create a Tech for the Vendor. If the Edit Tech button appears, click it to edit and review the Tech record for this Vendor.
Adding/Editing a Tech Record for the Sub On the Tech record’s Main tab, verify that the Vendor Id is completed.
Adding/Editing a Tech Record for the Sub On the Tech record’s Remote Access tab, verify that the Web Access is set to Subcontractor and that the Remote Device type is set to SubAnywhere (new in 9.0 build 041) The Subcontractor will log onto SubAnywhere with the Tech Id from this record. The Password on this screen is NOT used by SubAnywhere. Your Sub’s passwords are initially set to “admin”. They are managed via a special SubAnywhere screen. The Password field will no longer need to be set to something (as it had in previous versions)
Adding/Editing a Tech Record for the Sub Remote Device Type: If set to “SubAnywhere” then POs created for a sub are “Unreleased” which allows the SubAnywhere module to update these POs. Otherwise, the POs are set to a status of “Released” which do not allow changes from SubAnywhere Web Access: If set to “Subcontractor”, POs will be auto generated for a WO in new call, and from Create PM Work Orders. Additional note: POs are only set to “unreleased” if the Remote Device Type = SubAnywhere AND if the Sub PO does not have any Gen lines.
Updating Default Status in Registry By default, WOs assigned to Sub type technicians or those created in new call will be set to a status of “Unacknowledged” this may be undesirable – to change the default status, use the sys-web-access-subcontractor registry setting as seen in this screenshot – “hold” has been set to the new default status for Subcontractor type techs
Setting up Net Framework Post Event (1 of 2) The function “Start Net Framework Post” is the function that posts attachments that are submitted by subcontractors. This function should be set up to run every 10 minutes so that attachments submitted posted to Sampro. To set up, a new scheduled event must be created. See the fields in red below that need to be set up: Profile Time base should be “creation” Event Type is “Process” Notification Text should describe the process
Setting up Net Framework Post Event (2 of 2) Scroll down on the scheduled event viewer to fill out remaining fields: Another description can be added here The function name will appear here after adding the ID The event ID will be automatically created after the event is added The function ID is entered here. Use sntfrmewrkpst Make sure to check “repeat event” To enter each day, use: m,tu,w,th,f,sa,su For an every 10 minute timer, enter: 0000_2359@10 A date far in the future can be added here
SubAnywhere Administrator’s Screen The SubAnywhere administrator at your company will log onto a special screen with their SAMPro User Id and Password. To access, enter the SubAnywhere web address followed by /admin
SubAnywhere Administrator’s Screen This screen lists your SubAnywhere techs. SubAnywhere has its own tables in your SAMPro database for maintaining the SubAnywhere user information. When the SubAnywhere web application is running, a background process is run every five minutes which reviews Technician records with a Web Access of Subcontractor It will create the necessary records for SubAnywhere if they do not already exist. So, if you do not see your Subcontractor on this screen, you may need to wait a bit and refresh the screen. TIP: The time increment is configurable thru a Web Application Configuration called ImportTimerMilliseconds”. See your SubAnywhere Support Rep to set this configuration.
SubAnywhere Administrator’s Screen Your SubAnywhere users will be listed by their Company Name (from the associated Vendor record). The User listed will be the user at the Subcontractor’s Company; typically the Dispatch or Service Coordinator; their name will be derived from your Technician record. The Sub’s Technicians (which will use a mobile login) will not appear on this screen.
SubAnywhere Administrator’s Screen The User Id of these SubAnywhere users is always the Technician Id. The initial password is always “admin”. However this password can be changed on this screen using the RESET PASSWORD button. This RESET PASSWORD function can also be used to reset a password that the Subcontractor has reset on their SubAnywhere screen (and then forgotten).
SubAnywhere Administrator’s Screen The URL is initially set from the Technician Id; it generates the address the Subcontractor will see when logging on. In most cases, it will not need to be changed, but may be edited if it contains characters which are not allowed. BLANKING the URL will disable this Sub from using SubAnywhere.