Integrity and Ethics
Image Building or Integrity Building? Answer these questions: Are you the same person no matter who you are with? Do you make decisions that are best for others when another choice would benefit you? Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts and contributions to your success?
Integrity Explained Definition: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness (characteristic) Doing the right thing (even when no one is looking) Being true to yourself and others Words and actions are in line (you always follow through)
MODELING BEHAVIOR Integrity builds trust Authority is not the power a boss has over subordinates, but rather the boss’s ability to influence subordinates to recognize and accept that power. Integrity has high influence value Integrity is the human quality most necessary to business success Integrity facilitates high standards Leaders must live by higher standards than their followers Solid reputation, not just image. Image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are. Many people work hard on their images and then don’t understand when they suddenly fail. Even friends who knew them are surprised.
Ethics Explained Definition: standards of moral behavior. Behaviors that are accepted by society as right versus wrong. Knowing and understanding right from wrong Minimum expectations of conduct in society “Rules” that guide personal decisions
What ethics are not Feelings Religious beliefs Law Being ethical is not the same as doing “whatever our society accepts.” Can you think of an example?
Determining What is Right Apply “The Golden Rule” Examine your intent Ask these questions: Is the decision legal? Is it balanced? (fair to all stakeholders) Can I live with it (will I be ashamed if it is discussed on the news tonight?)
Let’s See Integrity and Ethics in Action What would you do: Found wallet: Bullying What would you do: Found cash: