Workshop, 10/2012 “The Project”


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Presentation transcript:

TSR@ISOLDE Workshop, 10/2012 “The TSR@ISOLDE Project” Klaus Blaum (MPI-Kernphysik, Heidelberg) and the TSR@ISOLDE Collaboration

The idea

A storage ring at an ISOL facility Advantages With respect to in-flight storage rings High intensity Cooler beams With respect to “direct” beams Less background (target, beam dump) Improved resolution CW beam Physics programme Astrophysics Capture, transfer reactions 7Be half life Atomic physics Effects on half lives Di- electronic recombination Nuclear physics Reaction studies Isomeric states Halo states Laser spectroscopy Neutrino physics

The history: 2001/2002 D. Habs/P. Thirolf: A recycling ring for REX-ISOLDE and MAFF. D. Habs et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 46 (2001) 343-358

The history: 2004

The history: 05/2010 Discussion between Klaus Blaum, Yorick Blumenfeld, Peter Butler, Piet van Duppen, and Christoph Scheidenberger about a storage ring (TSR) behind REX-ISOLDE.  Strong interest and excitement.

The history: 10/2010 + strong support from F. Wenander

Some technical details Typical storage energy for 12C6+: E = 72 MeV  6 MeV/u Vacuum: ~10-11 mbar Acceptance of the TSR: 120 mm mrad  well suited for REX-ISOLDE Multiturn injection  mA of stored beam possible Electron cooler  transverse cooling time of ~1s RF acceleration and deceleration possible Typical storage times: p @ 21 MeV: 60 h 9Be1+ @ 7 MeV: 16 s 12C6+ @ 73 MeV: 7470 s 35Cl17+ @ 202 MeV: 318 s 197Au51+ @ 710 MeV: 23 s Conclusion: The TSR is ideally suited as a storage ring at ISOLDE.

Submission of TDR to the INTC in Jan’12 The history: 02/2012 Submission of TDR to the INTC in Jan’12 02.02.2012: „The INTC strongly endorsed the TSR-TDR“

The history: 04/2012 Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 207, 1-117 (2012)

The history: 05/2012 A major milestone 30.05.2012 Approval of TSR by CERN Research Board CERN's Research Board gave skeleton* approval for allocating resources to the TSR project (building and transfer line(s)).  The model for the Implementation is to move the ring to CERN in 2015, run it as an experiment for 3 years during which period CERN will investigate how to integrate it into its accelerator infrastructure, with the aim to run it as a facility from ~2018.  *The adjective "skeleton" means that the end date is fuzzy, and no definite resources appropriation is made yet. Thanks to Sergio Bertolucci, Paul Collier and Steve Myers for their strong support!

Mandate of the TSR Integration Study Working Group Latest step: 08/2012 Mandate of the TSR Integration Study Working Group (Paul Collier)

TSR@ISOLDE Collaboration: 129 scientists from 47 institutions in 19 countries

Coupling to HIE-ISOLDE: Configuration Jura (west) side Possible TSR installation above the CERN service-tunnel Tilted beamline coming up from the machine 25m 30m 10m (7m between floor and crane hook) Approx 3m higher than Isolde hall floor Cost study: Eliseo Perez-Duenas GS/SE  See talk by E. Siesling.

Coupling to HIE-ISOLDE: Transfer line  See talk by F. Wenander.

In the ring: survival time, beam handling multiple scattering electron capture total 12C6+ Survival times Coulomb scattering, electron capture and stripping Residual gas, electrons in the cooler and gas target Experiment reproduced by theory (stripper foil) [charge breeder upgrade]  See talk by M. Grieser.

Physics Programme Conveners  See next talk by Peter Butler.

Planning 2014 2015 2016

Thanks It is amazing to see what a strong collaboration and an excellent team can reach within less than two years. I am sure TSR@ISOLDE (StorIS) will become a success story. Thanks for the support from all of you!