History and Film Teacher WG Enloe High SChool Ms. Dayna Mergenthaler History and Film Teacher WG Enloe High SChool
Introductions Name: Ms. Mergenthaler. Ms. Merg, Ms. M Birthday: January 16th Age: none of your business Parents: Paul and Sally Ten things you should know about me I am from Champaign, Illinois I went to the University of Illinois I have two kids, two dogs and a cat. I love them like crazy. I am addicted to coffee and seltzer water I have Multiple Sclerosis but take crazy experimental drugs for it and am doing pretty well. I love history. I watch history movies, history documentaries, history television, read history books, and historic fiction. I love dumb TV shows like Scream, Dead of Summer, and Paranormal Experience. I listen to music like Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone Age but I also loved Lemonade. I’m not easily embarrassed and will gladly do lame dances in front of you on Fridays. I love Fridays more than you do. That’s a verifiable fact. My Pet Peeves are kids playing on their electronics in class, copying and cheating, work done in pencil, and people using “literally” incorrectly, also, that thing when people compare anything bad to the Nazis or Hitler. That makes me nuts.
Now your turn! Take ten minutes and fill yours out! NAME: Birthday& Age: Name(s) of parent(s) you live with & their phone number Tell me 10 things I should know about you What are your pet peeves?
Class rules Don’t play with your phones (or games, or laptops) in class Turn in all your work typed or in ink. No pencil. Put your full name and date and period on your assignments. Don’t copy, cheat or plagiarize Ask for a bathroom pass, and don’t ask to go every day at the same time. If you are late, come in quietly, put your pass in the rainbow box, and get started quietly. Don’t expect the rest of us to start all over again. Be kind to everyone. Don’t be rude to others. Ask for help if you need it. Come to class with paper and a pen Turn in your work on time. Don’t trash my room or hide garbage on my shelves or in the desks. Clean up after yourself. Take responsibility for yourself and your mistakes. I won’t lie to you if I mess up, so don’t lie to me.
History Through Film Every film will have a worksheet or quiz. The worksheets are all worth 30 points. I pass them out on the first day of the film, and will always list the due date on the top of the sheet. Sometimes there will be quizzes instead of worksheets. You are allowed to skip ONE worksheet/quiz a quarter. If you miss a worksheet or quiz YOU ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO MAKE IT UP. YOU MUST MAKE IT UP WITHIN A WEEK OF MISSING THE ASSIGNMENT. Every worksheet must be done on turnitin.com. We will go sign up for the class in the computer lab. The class number is 13236633 and the log in password is film. All of your assignments must be turned in with your name on the top of the document. Your answers should be in complete sentences and not use text slang.
History Through Film Every Honors level student is required to do additional work. Sometimes there will be additional honors level questions on your worksheets and you will write one 3 page film paper a semester. I will accept late work for TWO days after the due date unless there are extenuating circumstances. If you have missed class for any reason you are responsible for speaking to me outside of class time to make arrangements to make up your work. If you turn in work after two days without extenuating circumstances you will receive a maximum score of a 77%. You must do your own work. I will not tolerate work that is copied, plagiarized or shared. If you turn in work with your name on it, and it is the same as someone else’s, you will split the grade until someone confesses and if you do it again you will get a referral. All other discipline issues will be handled according to Enloe’s policies.
History Through Film If you have any problems or questions you can always email me at dmergenthaler@wcpss.net You can also make appointments to speak to me during 3.2 lunch or after school. I also have created a remind101 for this class. To join text @3ga86 to 81010
Robin Hood
The Myth The story of Robin Hood comes from oral tales about a late 13th or early 14th century man. The stories were not written down until at least 1492, when the Gest of Robyn Hoode was written down. He probably is based on a person from Yorkshire, in a region called Nottinghamshire, where he lived in Sherwood Forest with a band of robbers and peasants.
Robin Hood
Robin Hood England has been conquered many times over the years Romans 80AD Angles and Saxons 5th century Vikings 8th century (more sacked than conquered) Vikings again 980-1012 Normans 1066 William the Conqueror William Rufus Henry I Matilda/Stephen Henry II Richard I John I
Robin Hood In the popular versions of the myth, Robin is said to have lived in England and had his adventures while King Richard the lionhearted was away on the Third Crusade. In his absence, Prince John, Richard’s younger brother schemed against the control that their mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the regent, William Longchamp had over England and their other lands.
Robin Hood The Crusades were a series of religious wars where Europeans tried to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control. The first was in 1096 and lasted until 1099 when the European Christians were successful in taking most of Israel, Lebanon, Syrian and Jordan. The rest of the Crusades were unsuccessful, and by the 1290s almost all of the land gained was lost. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Near_East_1135.svg
Robin Hood While Richard was on Crusade, he spent a lot of the treasury on his efforts to regain the Holy Land, and raised taxes and took huge loans. He sold offices, and once said he would sell even England if he could get enough money to pay for the Crusades that way. He still earned a reputation as a strong man and brave soldier, getting the nickname Lionhearted.
Robin Hood Each version of the film tells the story differently. Films are a product of the society that they were made in, and you can see the time and culture of each era in the film. Look for changes in dress, language, attitudes.