The extent of illness, injury, or disability in a defined population. Epidemiology The study of a disease that deals with how many people have it, where they are, how many new cases develop, and how to control the disease. Psychiatry morbidity Mortality A measure of the rate of death from a disease within a given population. Morbidity The extent of illness, injury, or disability in a defined population. Incidence The occurrence of new cases of a condition. The incidence rate describes the frequency with which cases are identified. Incidence is commonly measured in new cases per 1,000 (or 100,000) of population at risk, per year. Some terms to understand… Prevalence A measure of the proportion of people in a population affected with a particular disease at a given time. Epidemiology Mortality Morbidity Steve Wood Lecturer Incidence Prevalence
How common are mental health problems? The report of a survey carried out by Social Survey Division of the Office for National Statistics on behalf of the Department of Health, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales Psychiatric morbidity among adults living in private households, 2000 Nicola Singleton Robert Bumpstead Maureen O’Brien Alison Lee Howard Meltzer London: The Stationery Office Survey of psychiatric morbidity carried out in 2000 by the ONS. Part of a series among different population groups. Repeats the first survey carried out in 1993. How common are mental health problems? Aimed to estimate/examine - prevalence of psychiatric morbidity. use of services and receipt of care. disability associated with mental disorder. current & lifetime factors associated with mental disorder. changes in above since 1993. Available online –
Mild to moderate mental health problems “Neurotic disorders” or Estimate the prevalence in the past week, per thousand in UK adults, of the following - Men Women Mixed anxiety & depressive disorder Generalised anxiety disorder Depressive episode All phobias Obsessional compulsive disorder Panic disorder
Serious mental illness Estimate the prevalence, per thousand, in the past year, in UK adults, of psychotic disorders Men Women Personality disorder Estimate the prevalence, per thousand, in UK adults, of personality disorder - Men Women
Alcohol dependence & hazardous drinking Estimate the prevalence, per thousand, in the past 6 months, in UK adults, of alcohol dependence Men Women Estimate the prevalence, per hundred, in the past year, in UK adults, of hazardous drinking Men Women Drug dependence & illicit drug use Estimate the prevalence, per thousand, in the past year, in UK adults, of drug dependence (any drug) Men Women Estimate the prevalence, per hundred, in the past year, in UK adults, of illicit drug use (any illicit drug) Men Women
or, graphically Mild to moderate mental health problems The weekly prevalence rate per thousand for UK adults Men Women All Mixed anxiety & depressive disorder 68 108 88 Generalised anxiety disorder 43 46 44 Depressive episode 23 28 26 All phobias 13 22 18 Obsessional compulsive disorder 9 11 Panic disorder 7 07 All “neurotic disorders” 135 194 164 or, graphically
Mild to moderate mental health problems are very common. By contrast, serious mental illness is not. We have to change the scale to get a proper look at the data.
Similarly, but to a lesser extent, with personality disorder. Again, we have to change the scale to appreciate the differences between men & women.
The prevalence of various symptoms of psychological distress that may not amount to a “disorder”.
Hazardous drinking and alcohol dependence follow a similar pattern in age and gender. To get a better idea of the relationship, look at both as percentages. Remember that alcohol dependence is in respect of past 6 months.
As with alcohol, illicit drug use & drug dependence follow similar patterns in age group and gender. The drop in prevalence between young & middle age groups is more marked. Again, to get a better idea of the relationship, convert both to percentages.
Compare the relative prevalence of hazardous drinking & illicit drug use. . .
. . . and the relative prevalence of dependence on alcohol and drugs. The difference between the two is quite small.
Comparing the various illicit drugs.
How does Wales compare to the UK as a whole . . . . . for neurotic disorders? . . . for hazardous drinking & alcohol dependence? . . . for illicit drug use & drug dependence? Title slide