IMS Lab Laboratoire de l’Intégration du Matériau au Système - UMR 5218 Laboratory of Integration, from Material to System 2017
Buildings - location Major building – opened June 2013 ENSCBP building 0 Preamble Major building – opened June 2013 ENSCBP building ENSC building Overall area : 10 000 m² 40% of them dedicated to platforms
Location – positioning 0 Preamble IMS UB, CNRS, Bdx INP 320 pers. Bdx INP/ENSCBP 30 pers Bdx INP / ENSC 20 pers.
IMS Lab 3 administrative references Up to 400 persons involved Basics 1 Overview 3 administrative references University of Bordeaux Bordeaux Institute of Technology CNRS (INSIS & INS2I) Up to 400 persons involved Information Technologies (IT) Engineering "IMS is focusing on the integration of material, knowledge and intelligence toward future generation of human-centred connected objects"
IMS Lab Scientific topics 1 Overview At the convergence point of Information Technology and Engineering, emphasizing on: Defining and modeling materials for devices and microsystems Modeling, designing and analyzing devices, circuits and systems Automation, diagnosis and signal processing Interfacing systems within heterogeneous environments
IMS Lab Research continuum 1 Overview Device to system Heterogeneous integration Material to device System to complex system Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty
Strategy of IMS at national level Fields of expertise 2 Expertise Established Non-integer automation RFIC design IC reliability Emerging Bioelectronics Organic electronics
Strategy of IMS at local level Academic site 2 Expertise Computer sciences Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering and mechanics Information Technology Optics and LASER Health Biology
Typology of research 2017
Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty IMS Lab Our research philosophy 3 Typology of research Two combined paradigms Pluridisciplinarity Partnership Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty
IMS lab : a pluridisciplinary research unit Duality : human sciences and IT 3 Typology of research Institutes PA Industrial partners
Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty IMS Lab Partnership 3 Typology of research Three tools: Joint research lab Transfer center Start-up & spin-off Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty
IMS Lab With STMicroelectronics since 2004 Joint research labs 3 Typology of research With STMicroelectronics since 2004 RF and AMS silicon IC design Modeling and characterization of devices and technologies With THALES ( jointly with LaBRI, IMB, I2M) GIS ALBATROS since 2010 Human-to-machine interface Signal and image processing With PSA since 2011 Automotive electronics Hybrid and electrical cars Car body and driving automation
IMS Lab : partnership A major strategy 3 Typology of research - 50 contracts per year with industrial partners, 1/3 of our financial ressources - 3 joint research lab , 1 GIS (shared JRL) - 30 patents granted in 5 years, - 7 licenses et 4 start-ups created in 4 years
IMS : the research unit 2017
Scientific organization 4 Research unit
Outputs 2017
0.14 patent family per Faculty per year (on average) Patents More than 10 patents per year, on average 5 Productions Patent Families 0.14 patent family per Faculty per year (on average)
Conclusion 2017
Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty Thank you ! Basics Partnership Transfer Novelty A key advantage: a double mixity with together IT and human sciences, and with both academics and industrial researchers A challenge : moving ahead from pluridisciplinarity toward interdisciplinarity
Topics of the master (with EIGSI) Modules et Crs Hrs total Hrs Bdx Hrs EIGSI Hrs Ext Unit 10: Design of the Powertrain for electric and hybrid electric vehicles (6 ECTS) 50 17 21 12 Context and concepts 3 Hybrid electric powertrains 6 Plugin electric powertrains Pure Electric powertrains Charging modes Experimentation of vehicles 8 Modelling power trains (case studies) 15 5 10
Topics of the master (with EIGSI) Modules et Crs Hrs total Hrs Bdx Hrs EIGSI Hrs Ext Unit 11 Analysis and modeling of technical systems (6 ECTS) 43 18 31 Vehicle control systems 2 Multi-criteria optimization 6 Multi physics modeling of components: Practice of AMESIM 9 Case study 4 10
Topics of the master (with EIGSI) Unit 12 Electromobility (6 ECTS) 50 24 20 Networked system optimisation: Graph theory and linear programming 14 Specific organizations (pass &freight) 6 Integration in Society 7 Future and trends 3 Actual implementations 10 Study cases/projects 4
Partnership with companies Joint laboratory with PSA (Open Lab) for more than 30 years Enterprises which signed an agreement: Altran, CITEOS, Continental, Delphi, EDF, Emerson, Ez wheel, FIEV, Forsee Power, Renault SA, Saft, Vinci Energies, Tecnalia, ACICAE