Grading Policy Make-up Work Website QR Code Interactive Science Notebooks Website QR Code We will create our own Notebooks which will contain all of your notes, practice, homework, labs/activities and information for our class. Please use your notebook as a tool and treat it with care. You must bring this book EVERY SINGLE DAY!! The class website will be your go-to spot for extra help resources, important dates and information, and documents. Please register to receive text messages with reminders, assignments, & other class information. Enter this number Text this message Remind is a safe, free, and simple messaging tool that helps me share important updates and reminders with you! Assignments will hold point values in my class. Points for each assignment will be assigned based on the work required for that assignment. Important information will be sent via . *Homework will be given and should be written down in the agenda. Grading Policy Make-up Work In the case of absence, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. All missed assignments will be given to you once you return unless other arrangements have been made. If you missed any notes, you can get those to copy from another student or the teacher. Do not copy notes missed or complete work missed while in class. The make-up work policy is located in the student handbook.
Curriculum 7th Grade Science Course Guide Supply List 2017-2018 Science in the 7th grade will be a hands-on and minds-on experience. In science we will be covering the following 5 Units: 7th Grade Science Course Guide *2” three ring binder *Notebook Paper *4 Rolls of Scotch Tape on the dispenser (to be turned in to class bin. Please no decorative tape) Classroom Needs- Pack(s) of colored copy paper, duct tape, masking tape, hand sanitizer, paper towels and tissue 2017-2018 Supply List Scientific Inquiry Earth’s Atmosphere & Weather Cells Human Body and Genetics Energy, Forces and Motion I have read and understand the course guide. I will email any questions or concerns to Mrs. Gurley. Science Expectations _____________________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date Classroom Expectations: Silly to Serious Instantly Always Active, Never Passive Nice or Neutral and Nothing Else No Shortcuts, No Excuses Own Your Words and Actions Keys to Success: Work Hard Work Smart Be Honest Always Improve Give and Get Help Each Day, Ask Yourselves: Am I being Open Minded when I work with a lab partner or group? Am I being Tenacious when I am working on activities or projects? Am I being Creative when I work on projects and activities? Am I using Critical Thinking Skills when I work on projects and activities? 7th Grade Science Mrs. Gurley Northwest Cabarrus Middle School (704)788-4135 _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date