Daniel Cassese, Alexandra Vlogiannitis, Kyle Redmond and Dennis Park Max Weber Daniel Cassese, Alexandra Vlogiannitis, Kyle Redmond and Dennis Park
Max Weber (1864-1920) (KYLE) Late 19th century German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist Developed his concepts in reaction to what he believed was a performance deficiency in the organizations of his day Widely regarded as one of the three architects of sociology with Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx. This was during the Industrial Revolution
Bureaucratic theory (DANIEL) Based on the Bureaucratic approach to management He supported an ideal, intentionally rational, and very efficient form of organization Founded on principles of logic, order and legitimate authority Believed that authority should be given to those with the highest capabilities not the highest social status
Clear Division of labour Jobs are well defined and workers become highly skilled at performing them. This way an employee will work on things they have experience on and know how to do well. (ALLEY)
Clear hierarchy of authority Authority and responsibility are well defined for each position, and each position reports to a higher-level one. Individuals who hold higher positions will supervise and direct lower positions within the hierarchy.
Formal rules and procedures Written guidelines direct behavior and decisions in the jobs, and written files are kept for historical record. Formal written records used to document all rules, regulations, procedures, decisions and actions taken by the organization and its members to preserve consistency and accountability.
Impersonality Rules and procedures are impartially and uniformly applied with no one receiving special treatment Managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with all of their employees to promote fair and equal treatment so that unbiased decisions can be made.
Careers based on merit Workers are selected and promoted on ability and performance, and managers are career employees of the organization. An Employee should be chosen, placed, and promoted within an organization based on their level of experience and efficiency to perform a job.
limitations (DENNIS) Too much emphasis on rules and regulations. No importance is given to informal groups. Bureaucracy involves a lot of paper work. This results in wasted time, effort and money. Bureaucratic model may be suitable for government organizations, but is not flexible enough for quick-thinking businesses. Too much importance is given to the technical qualifications of the employees for promotion. (DENNIS)
Question #1 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic? Management by rules and regulations A well-defined formal hierarchy Impersonal relationships between managers and employees Informal channel of communication
Question #2 Weber believed that personality is the best source of authority Truth False
Question #3 A non-personal view of organizations with rules and regulations where authority is based on competence is known as Democracy Monarchy Bureaucracy Informal Organizations
Question #4 Division of labor and work specialization allows for an organization to.. Align employees with organizational tools Pay employees according to their job function Train new employees Recruit the right number of employees
Question #5 Formal written records are used to maintain… Training materials A record of wrong doings Materials for adults Consistency and accountability