A Successful Resident Council TCAC Ebony Johnson
Role of RC The role of the RC is to improve the quality of life and resident satisfaction and to participate in self-help initiatives that enable residents to create a positive living environment for families living in public housing.
Pop Quiz ___ Health Fair ___ Casino Trip ___ 3 course meal at Resident Community Meeting ___ Training that leads to self-sufficiency ___ Gas in your car ___ Tickets for RC to see Beyonce
Have a Vision, Goals, and Turn to Reality Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time Framed
Productive Community Organizing Support of the Community Be “PRESENT” Communicate Saturation: Flyers, Newsletters, Meetings, Door Knocking
Supportive Relationship between the HA’ and the RC Strong RC has a supportive relationship with the HA. May not always be in agreement. HA should be receptive of resident interests. RCs may need the assistance of the HAs to help learn the administrative ropes. HA need the RC to act as a liaison. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE MANAGEMENT IN YOUR COMMUNITY!
Strong Leadership Willing to take the time to learn the needs of the community. Willing to take the responsibility of a RC. Work through differences of the council. Not afraid to bring new people and ideas. Social Media EMPOWER!!!!
Empowerment Community Empowerment- The process of enabling communities to increase control over their lives. Examples of community empowerment events: Voter Registration drive Parenting Programs Fire safety education Tutoring programs Job clubs
Partnerships, Resources, Networking An effective leader has to network…. Colleges & Universities Local businesses Faith based organizations Food Banks Salvation Army GoodWill
Cont…. Start networking before you need it Have a plan Forget about your personal agenda NEVER dismiss anyone as unimportant Figure out how you can be useful FOLLOW UP and FOLLOW THROUGH!!