Special Device Review 09-10 (Device Name) Prepared by: (Name) Rev(1) MM/DD/YY
Deployed Configuration (Sketch)
Description of Deployed Hardware (Include IceCube Hole #s and Depths) Drill Order (IC Hole #): Weight and name of unit to be deployed Depths and/or breakouts Deployment type (attached to IC cable?) Description of any downhole cables Description of any surface electronics Description of any surface cabling
Objectives/Science Goals Measurement (s) to be taken Type of data to be acquired etc
Materials & People needed for Deployment at each hole Equipment needed for each deployment Materials needed for each deployment People (w/ on ice dates) for each deployment
Delivery Milestones Finish Instrument Production at (location) Target date Finish Testing of (equipment) at (location) Ship from source location to destination location ROS week ending (date) (ROS date xxxx) On Ice Testing Week ending MM DD First Deployment MM DD
NH Testing Overview Functional tests of (equipment) Test1 (results) Test2 (results) System Testing (e.g. at PCTS) Test 1 (results) etc
SP Testing Overview Visual inspection of shipped hardware Functional testing System Testing
Interfaces to IceCube (show all connectors and pinouts) Any connections to IC system Signaling format (analog, DSL Modem, DOM format, etc) List & diagram connectors and patch cables Diagram showing connectors and pinouts of connection to IC system
IceCube Compatibility Describe (T)ests or (A)nalysis Verify no harm to IceCube hardware: Test or Analysis 1 Test or Analysis 2 Verify no disruption to IC timing or comms: etc
ICL Impact New Equipment needed in ICL Modifications to existing ICL equipment Patch cables needed in ICL
Logistics ROS Date Ship Date/From/To/Who receives Shipping Method week ending MM DD (ROS date xxxx) Ship Date/From/To/Who receives (name) to ship from (place) on MM DD (name) to Receive at Pole Shipping Method Method (verify with Terry H.) Weights & Dimensions of packages #Boxes, weights, approx sizes
Deployment Plan (Basic steps) etc
Potential Safety Hazards/ Mitigation Risk 1 Mitigation for Risk 1 Risk 2 Mitigation for Risk 2
Operational Plan How often/when will it operate. Who controls it? How do you get data from / to it ?
RPSC Support Any anticipated RPSC support needed