Building Goodwill Lukowski | ENG 371
You-Attitude Puts audience perspective first Emphasizes their wants Respects audience’s intelligence Protects their ego
How to Create You-Attitude Talk about audience, not yourself. Refer specifically to customer’s request or order. Don’t talk about feelings, except to congratulate or offer sympathy. In positive situations, use you more often than I. Use we when it includes the audience. In negative situations, avoid the word you. Protect their ego. Avoid assigning blame.
Audience Not Yourself Explain how message benefits your audience Express how you have their interests in mind Lacks You-Attitude We have negotiated an agreement with Apex Rent-a-Car that gives you a discount on rental cars. You-Attitude As a Sunstrand employee, you can now get a 20% discount when you rent a car from Apex.
Refer to Specific Request Use the specific phraseology known to your customer Demonstrate you know their business Lacks You-Attitude Your chair You-Attitude The desk chair your ordered You-Attitude Your invoice #798433
Avoid Feelings Stick to business Avoid your audience’s feelings too Don’t predict your audience’s emotional response Give good news straight Lacks You-Attitude We are happy to extend you a credit line of $15,000 You-Attitude You can now charge up to $15,000 on your American Express card. Lacks You-Attitude You’ll be happy to hear that your scholarship was renewed. You-Attitude Congratulations! Your scholarship has been renewed!
Positive Situations You & We Praise the reader and express your support in positive situations Use we to provide a sense of collectivity and cooperation Lacks You-Attitude We provide health insurance to all employees. You-Attitude You receive health insurance as a full-time Procter & Gamble employee.
Negative Situations Avoid You Never directly place the blame on the audience Passive voice when you need avoid placing the blame anywhere Lacks You-Attitude You must get approval from the director before you publish any articles or memoirs based on your work in the agency. You-Attitude Agency personnel must get approval from the director to publish any articles or memoirs based on their work in the agency. Lacks You-Attitude You made no allowance for inflation You-Attitude Agency personnel must get approval from the director to publish any articles or memoirs based on their work in the agency.
Beyond Sentence Level Provide complete information Anticipate and answer questions Show why information is important Demonstrate why the message affects them
Organize to Build Goodwill Most important information goes first Arrange information to meet their needs, not yours Use headings and lists to help audience find key points
Create Positive Emphasis Avoid negative words Beware of hidden negatives Focus on what audience can do instead of limitations Justify negative with reasons or evidence Place negatives in the middle
Be Mindful of Difference Avoid racially charged terms and phrases Be mindful of people with disabilities and diseases Remember, you don’t always know your audience’s history or background Neutral Language Instead of … Manpower Manhours Managers and their wives Mentally retarded Homeless Cancer patients Use … Personnel or staff Work hours Managers and their guests Intellectually disabled People experiencing homelessness People treated for cancer
Gender Neutral Language Use courtesy titles like Dr., Mr., and Ms. Unless otherwise stated, never use Mrs. or Miss Use neutral job titles Research to find preferred title if you don’t know Accuracy Gender Neutral Titles Instead of ... Businessman Chairman Fireman Mailman Salesman Waitress Stewardess Use ... Businessperson Chairperson Firefighter Mailperson Salesperson Server Flight Attendant
Audience First Be aware of your own bias and prejudice Keep audience’s needs first Be respectful of other people’s struggle Every professional interaction is an opportunity to build goodwill and community