Improving Vocabulary Skills Unit 2, Chapter 8
Enigma Although the department had pursued the serial killer for more than a decade, he remained an enigma. They couldn’t determine his motives nor his whereabouts.
Dispatch Please dispatch this right away to the court house. We need to get it there before the deadline.
Criminals today are not nocturnal.
attest Yes Your Honor, I can attest that he was not at the scene of the crime that night because he was with me!
orient Once you understand the grid system of the streets in Washington, DC it’s very easy to orient yourself and not get lost.
discern I’m sorry officer, but it was very dark that night, so I was unable to discern exactly what he was wearing.
enhance Using these night vision goggles will enhance your ability to see in the dark.
mobile Our mobile unit can move from one crime scene to another and bring the forensic equipment we need.
attribute His attributes are unmistakable. He’s over 6 feet tall and weighs over 300 pounds. Plus he has a tattoo of a teardrop under his left eye.
exemplify Manuel Cristaldo exemplifies everything we desire in a detective. He’s intelligent, diligent, and brave.