The Beginnings of Buddhism Think about a time you have had a change in your life…..a new house….new school…new family member. How do you react to changes? How hard is it for you to accept changes?
Spartan Word Wall Meditate Nirvana Missionary
Roots: Gautama: a prince 500’s B.C. why humans suffer Fasted and meditated for 49 days 45 years traveled India sharing beliefs called the Buddha, “the Enlightened One”
Teachings Meaning of life? Focus on right thinking and self-denial Human suffering caused by wanting power wealth and pleasure
Meditating Thinking deeply about sacred things
The Middle Way No worshiping of gods Right to…….(8 fold path) understanding intention speech action livelihood effort mindfulness concentration
Nirvana Follow the Middle Way and find nirvana: no more reincarnation
Missionaries Spread religious beliefs to others.
Followers of Buddhism All people are equal anyone can become a priest Monasteries: places followers learn, meditate, and teach
Buddhism in India Buddhism and Hinduism existed side by side for years Died out almost completely in India
Spread of Buddhism Accepted by millions in other lands Grew in China Spread to Koreas, China, Tibet & Vietnam, Japan
Shared ideas Wrong to harm other living creatures Nonviolence is valued Hindus honor Buddha as a reincarnation of the god Vishnu
Spread of Buddhism Missionaries spread throughout Asia Chinese mixed ideas with earlier teachers Today: part of culture in Japan, the Koreas, China, Tibet, and Vietnam
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