University Career Services Committee A Brief History
A Brief History of UCSC 1960s Early 1970s University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC 1960s - Established as University Placement Committee - A lot of field trips/interaction with employers Early 1970s - Name change to Placement & Related Services Committee - Letter from President Enarson requesting membership Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of UCSC Late 1970s New purpose: University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC Late 1970s New purpose: To provide regular contact and communication between members To coordinate policies, procedures and programs among members to enhance responsible career exploration, selection and implementation by students and alumni To promote the career planning and placement functions as integral parts of the educational process To serve as a liaison between Career Services and University administration To promote professional development for committee members through in-service workshops and programs Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of USCS Late 1970s Changes reflecting new purpose: University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of USCS Late 1970s Changes reflecting new purpose: Name change to Career Planning and Placement Services Committee Expansion of membership to enhance the promotion of career planning and placement functions as integral parts of the total educational process (i.e. inclusion of admissions and residence hall staff) New committees: Policy: discuss and coordinate career planning and placement policies that apply uniformly across campus (i.e. credential files, fees, reciprocity, assessments) Programming: assess career development and placement needs and requests for specific programs among students In-service Training: provide professional development to members Communications: update members on relevant programs, issues and resources Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of UCSC Late 1970s University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC Late 1970s - University-Wide Career Development Services Committee Highlight of recommendations: Career services personnel to assist faculty with career development of students Career services coordinator with university-wide responsibilities Central clearinghouse for career services information Regular meeting of career services to identify common concerns and share info Assessment of career development services Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of UCSC Early 1980s University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC Early 1980s - VP for Academic Affairs and Provost requests a study of career services Recommendations: Institutional priority of academic/career advising Creation of Director of University Career Services Creation of career exploration center Analyze articulation/coordination of academic and career advising Computerized career guidance/placement Career services at regional campuses Implementation of peer counseling program Self-study of career services in health sciences Coordination/funding of credential services Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of UCSC Mid 1980s Late 1980s Mid 1990s University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC Mid 1980s Establishment of officers positions, descriptions, terms, election process Creation of Principles and Standards for Career Services at Ohio State Recommendation for the Nature & Structure of the Office of Career Development (President’s staff advisory committee; For staff and faculty) Late 1980s Creation of mission statement Mid 1990s Name change to University Career Services Committee VP and Provost charged UCSC to conduct study to create a model and improve system (Recommendation of coordinated hub; Implementation of $1.2 million; Career Connection became first phase of model) Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
A Brief History of UCSC 2000s Development of website University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC 2000s Development of website Coordinated professional development and annual speakers Conducted Outcomes survey Created new vision and mission statements and structure Source: UCSC Documents from Ohio State University Archives, retrieved December 2006
University Career Services Committee (UCSC) A Brief History of UCSC 2007 UCSC Vision Statement: To cultivate the potential of all Ohio State University students to become contributing world citizens by fostering valued and innovative career services. UCSC Mission Statement: UCSC is an organization of university professionals committed to responding to the career development needs of students at The Ohio State University. UCSC members exchange ideas and coordinate the dissemination of career-related information and events. UCSC supports the professional development and promotes the value of the combined talent of its members. Through its unified voice, UCSC advocates policy resulting in practices that enhance the total educational experience of students at The Ohio State University.
UCSC Strategic Priorities University Career Services Committee (UCSC) UCSC Strategic Priorities Define UCSC membership (expectations, responsibilities, benefits). Increase UCSC membership and participation. Develop a strategy to demonstrate value to administration and new leadership. Investigate how student career needs are being met. Identify core philosophies and policies that guide the career services committee. Establish and record standard protocols for running meetings and conducting business. (e.g. bylaws)
UCSC Team Structure MEMBER SERVICES TEAM: University Career Services Committee (UCSC) UCSC Team Structure MEMBER SERVICES TEAM: Purpose: To recruit, orient, and retain UCSC members Activities: -Facilitate event recruiting -Maintain listserv -Member surveys -Retain members -Conduct monthly programming -Coordinate Annual Speaker Event INTRA-OFFICE COMMUNICATION TEAM: Purpose: To disseminate best practices amongst members and coordinate career services policy Activities: -Establish shared standards -Develop policies -Identify grant opportunities -Coordinate Career Award and Professional Dev. Grant STUDENT SERVICES TEAM: Purpose: To coordinate cross-college career related events and resources Activities: - Provide career and special events support -Collaborate with academic advisors -Support Student Advisory board -Conduct needs assessment OUTREACH/ ADVOCACY TEAM: Purpose: To ensure the representation of UCSC in University and broader community activities and keep members informed of initiatives that impact career services Activities: -Maintain university relations and community relations -Address annual reporting needs TECHNOLOGY TEAM: Purpose: To address and coordinate any technology requests and needs for UCSC Activities: -Maintain UCSC website -Research technology vendors and products -Determine need/desire for products and services and disseminate information