Danilo Antonio: UN-Habitat/GLTN John Gitau: UN-Habitat/GLTN APPLICATION OF GEOMATICS FOR MAPPING LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCE USE AND RIGHTS: A CASE STUDY OF IFAD PROGRAMMES IN EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA Danilo Antonio: UN-Habitat/GLTN John Gitau: UN-Habitat/GLTN Steven Jonckheere: IFAD Harold Liversage: IFAD Solomon Mkumbwa: UN-Habitat/GLTN Solomon Njogu: TUM
Challenges have a clear LAND dimension GLOBAL CHALLENGES Rapid population growth Rapid urbanization in developing countries Food, water and energy insecurity Climate Change Natural disasters and violent conflicts. Challenges have a clear LAND dimension
LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES Many actors, many competing interests Knows no boundaries Problems are complex It requires high quality data and analysis Professionals from various disciplines are required Various processes need to be integrated in policy and programmes
IFAD Supported Programmes in the Region
The Tenure Security Learning Initiative in East and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA) Supports IFAD Supported Projects on the following: Mapping land and natural resources tenure rights Women’s access to land Group rights Land and water rights Inclusive Business Models
EMERGING TOOLS, TECHNOLOGIES & OPPORTUNITIES Geographic Information Systems Global Navigational Satellite Systems Remote sensing Free and open-source software Participatory mapping Free data sources “Cloud” Powerful and compact computers Inclusive approaches GIS not anymore the exclusive domain of professionals
KEY LESSONS Land administration issues are recognized in L&NR Mgt. projects Addressing tenure issues - not a priority and not mainstreamed Institutional ‘silos’ Knowledge and capacity issues Large-scale projects not necessarily linked to Policy New trends in ICT = emerging opportunities Huge investments = huge potential
Danilo Antonio: UN-Habitat/GLTN John Gitau: UN-Habitat/GLTN APPLICATION OF GEOMATICS FOR MAPPING LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCE USE AND RIGHTS: A CASE STUDY OF IFAD PROGRAMMES IN EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA NEED TO KNOW MORE? www.gltn.net Danilo Antonio: UN-Habitat/GLTN John Gitau: UN-Habitat/GLTN Steven Jonckheere: IFAD Harold Liversage: IFAD Solomon Mkumbwa: UN-Habitat/GLTN Solomon Njogu: TUM