Perspectives on drafting Anne Harrison Editor
Initial thoughts Proceed to incorporate changes throughout the manual one issue at a time Origin of the issues by chapter matrix
Second thoughts Go chapter by chapter Can see progress But risk that an issue may be incomplete or inconsistent Risk all text is reviewed not just that affected by the 44 issues
Constraints Strict limit on amount of changes acceptable Comparison files of old text compared with new text must be available AEG recommendations to be respected but reports give substance not exact wording. Same for FLCR
3 sorts of changes agreed Insert glossary entries into text (but still have a glossary as well) Change the format of the tables Insert more cross-references and external references (but not all updated yet)
Agreed the list of chapters Part 1: Introduction and overview Part 2: Accounting conventions Part 3: The sequence of accounts Part 4: Integration and elaboration of the accounts Part 5: Interpreting the accounts and extensions Annex1: Classifications, 2: Accounts
Order of drafting 9 and 14; 1 with few changes, 1 new Accumulation accounts - most changes Rest of accounts With 17 and 19 have done 12/27 Have covered 2/3 of “hits” on issue by matrix chapter
Commenting process Editor produces very first draft - V1 Subject to eagle eye review - V2 This is the preliminary draft. Posted on the web for review - this meeting to review comments received Incorporate these comments to get to final draft
Eagle eye review By ISWGNA More substantive than originally envisaged, by more people Editor reviewed alone, accepted typos, non-controversial suggestions Some changes to existing non-44 text suggested and some accepted
Assessing world wide comments ISWGNA organisations took on task of dividing comments into Bring to AEG Consider by ISWGNA Leave it to the editor to decide After first cut editor and organisations reviewed
Commenting process Doing it face to face is extremely helpful and faster than doing it alone Better sense of whether comment is Correct Important Desirable Optional Optional comments as time consuming to incorporate as important ones
My assessment This is not an easy job But I am really enjoying it I think long and hard about changes so may be a little defensive about where I came out But I really am open to comments and really look forward to a constructive week
BUT We have 300 pages of text in 10 pt to get through so we need ground-rules to ensure all parts receive appropriate amount of attention