A Lens for Human Behaviour Conflict Theory A Lens for Human Behaviour
The Root of Conflict A Conflict is motivated by inequalities of power Power - the ability to influence others’ behaviour People act in the interest of power Micro analysis of individuals applies equally to a macro analysis of institutions Socioeconomic analysis of society Many theories proposed to explain the mystery of human behaviour Power – core concept of conflict theory Human behaviour is driven by conflict. Respect for teachers, the presentation of this assignment, clothing, actions, thought-life power/powerlessness
Marxism Capitalism promotes the exploitation of workers “The Communist Manifesto” – Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels Capitalists seek to increase profits as much as possible, and workers seek to earn as much profit as possible Relationships between capitalists and workers are always problematic To gain as much profit as possible, cheap labour
Marxism & Conflict Theory Root causes of social conflict were power disputes Birth of conflict theory came through marxist criticism Basis in competition over resources
Competition First rule of Conflict Theory A First rule of Conflict Theory Social relationships are based on competition over resources Holding resources means holding power HENRY Examples of scarce resources (money, pleasure, leisure, sexual partners) We all try to gain as much as possible for ourselves What we are trying to gain is power
Structural Inequality Social structures are designed around inequalities Power and reward are unequally distributed Those benefitting from social structures will naturally prefer that they remain in place HENRY Bias subjectivity opinion position e.g. political parties
Revolution Change occurs because of conflict between classes The interests of social classes are often conflicting Change occurs when competing interests collide e.g. Teaching strikes Change is revolutionary, not evolutionary (rapid vs. gradual) Any form of strike happens when a worker feels their needs are not being met by an employer. Teaching strikes are a good example of this. Ontario teachers recently went on strike, because their wages were frozen (stopped increasing), and they were legally denied the right to walk off the job. This came when a bill was passed freezing wages and banning their quitting. This is an example of where one group feels powerless because the scarce resources they are competing over are not provided, and because they have competing interests with their employer.
War H War unifies people In response to a conflict, citizens feel camaraderie with one another Perfect example of how conflict is in our nature War often presents an end to conflict – an end to societies HENRY
Who Cares? What purpose does this theory serve anyway? When applied to politics, hasn’t it caused greater conflict? e.g. U.S.S.R., Cuba Are there no better explanations for human behavior? ANIL HENRY PROBLEMS WITH COMMUNISM, which is conflict theory applied to politics
Conflict Theory as a Social Aid Using conflict theory as an analytical tool, we can better understand class divisions, and social problems Class divisions are a major source of social disorder Identifying the problem at hand exposes a problem; identifying the roots of the problem exposes a solution Considers the perspective of those without power
Works Cited Karl Marx. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Stanford University, 14 June. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. ‹http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/marx/›. Nussbaum, Ian. Individuals and families in a diverse society. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2010. Print.