We cordially invite you to WB Neuberger’s Presentation at our lodge. Mt Zion Lodge #135 Proudly Presents: “Is Arguing With God Good for the Soul” By WB Michael Neuberger Thursday, February 4th, 2016 Mt Zion Lodge, 483 Middlesex Avenue, Metuchen, NJ 6:30pm Dinner, 7:30pm Event Worshipful Brother Michael Neuberger is an active Masonic Lecturer, presenting on a variety of masonic topics. He is very well known as a vivid story teller and a remarkable speaker. WB Neuberger is currently the Worshipful Master for Inspiratus Lodge #357, the first Traditional Observance Lodge in the State of NJ. He is a Past Master of Loyalty Lodge #33, a Past Most Excellent High Priest of Maple Chapter #55 of Royal Arch Masons, a Past Sovereign Master of Da Vinci Council #477 of Allied Masonic Degrees, and an active member of various honorary and invitational Masonic orders. We cordially invite you to WB Neuberger’s Presentation at our lodge. Event Open to all Masons! Please RSVP to our Secretary Jim Iacone, PM at meda1047@aol.com !