Essential Elements of a Communication Link Optical - Electronic Interface Communication Link Equipment 1 Equipment 2 Could be a LASER or an LED. Could be a PIN or an APD. A fibre optics link is composed of a number of basic components. a) Optical Electronic Interface - the transmitter b) Optical Fibre Cable d) Optical Electronic Interface - the receiver This is the simplest form of link and it provides a point to point communication, that is, a given transmitter is coupled to a designated receiver, with communication in one direction only. Return communication must be provided by a separate link. Cable connectors and couplers are analogous to their electrical counterparts. The design of these components has to satisfy not only the required optical performance, but also mechanical and environmental specifications so that the installation and operation will be no more difficult to achieve than with copper cables. Over the recent years equipment designed for the connection and termination of optical fibre has become increasingly less skill sensitive and increasingly more reliable. FIBRE IS NO LONGER A DARK ART
BASIC OPTICAL THEORY THE REFRACTIVE INDEX of a medium ( sometimes written as n) is defined as the ratio of: The speed of light in a vacuum The speed of light in a medium For silica glass (which fibre is made of )this is 300,000 Kilometres /sec 200,000 Kilometres/sec The path of a ray of light in different materials is influenced by the fact that light travels more slowly in an optically dense medium than it does in a less dense one. A measure of this effect is the refractive index. When a ray of light passes through the boundary between media of different refractive indices a small portion of the light is reflected back into the originating medium. By decreasing the angle of attack it is possible to reach a state when the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal. At this point all the light is reflected back into the originating medium, this is called Total Internal Reflection and theoretically 100% efficient. In practice the efficiency can reach 99.9% compared for example with 85% for a silvered mirror. This phenomena is the basis for the transmission of light in optical fibres. Giving a Refractive Index of 1.5
TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION To get Total Internal Reflection of light in a Fibre, there are two conditions that have to occur. The core and cladding must be Optically different The light must enter the fibre at some angle greater than the critical angle Air Water Refracted Ray Incident Ray Refracted ray Reflected Ray Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 AIR WATER Example 1. The incident ray has hit the interface at an angle less than the Critical Angle, and is refracted. ( This is like the spoon in a glass of water). Example 2. The incident ray has hit the interface at the Critical Angle and therefore cannot escape, and is bent along the line of the interface Example 3. The incident ray has hit the interface at an angle GREATER than the Critical Angle and is therefore REFLECTED back into the medium.
PROPAGATION OF LIGHT INTO A FIBRE. Cladding Core Axis A Angle Cone of Acceptance Angle A is the Critical Angle any light aimed at the fibre within this angle will be reflected and will not enter the fibre. The N.A.( Numerical Aperture of the fibre ) = SIN only rays within angle will pass into the fibre. The higher the NA value, the easier it is to get light into the fibre . In the diagram above, the axis is the middle of the core. Angle A is the Critical Angle, Angle is any angle greater than the Critical Angle. The Cone of Acceptance (or Numerical Aperture) is all those angles which are greater than the Critical Angle, ( rotated through 360 degrees). Any light introduced into the Cone of Acceptance will enter the fibre and will propagate down the core down the fibre. The Critical Angle changes with the diameter of the core, for Singlemode Fibre is normally around 83 degrees and 62.5µm Multimode fibre it is normally 74 degrees.
WHAT IS OPTICAL FIBRE? Cladding Rays of light Core All optical fibres have a core and a cladding. The core has a higher refractive index than the cladding, and this property constrains the light to remain in the core. The amount of light emerging from the end of the fibre is always less than that entering due to losses caused by scattering and absorption in the core and by imperfect reflection at the optical face. This loss is dependent on the length of the fibre and produces an exponential decay, which means that repeated equal increments of length always cause the same proportional decrease in power. Light is transmitted along a fibre by a multitude of different paths ranging from one which is parallel to the axis to those propagating close to the core and cladding. Each path at a different angle is called a transmission mode.
DISPERSION - BANDWIDTH Fibre cross section index section pulse propagation in Fibre Pulse Refractive Input Light Output Type : step-index multimode 125 um n A out r 100 um Type : graded index multimode r 125 um n A out 50um Type : singlemode fibre 125 um n A out r 10um Multimode Step Index fibres exhibit a distinct change in refractive index between the core and the cladding. It is clear that the distances travelled by various modes and hence the time taken are not equal. Consequentially a short pulse of light launched into the fibre will have various transmission delays and will arrive at the exit dispersed over an extended period of time. This limits the maximum data rate since the rapid train of pulses will merge into one another and may not be distinguishable. There will also be a reduction in amplitude caused by the pulse spreading. Multimode Graded index fibre is constructed with a refractive index that is continuously graded from a maximum at the centre to a minimum at the interface between the core and the cladding. The previously stepped path is replaced by a smooth curve, and since the same phenomenon occurs on the opposite side of the axis, light is transmitted down the fibre following a smooth oscillating path. From this it can be seen that more of the modes arrive at the end of the fibre at the same time and that the dispersion of the pulse and its consequent reduction in amplitude are reduced. In Singlemode fibre the core is so narrow that it constrains the pulse of light to a single mode thereby dramatically reducing the dispersion of the signal and its attenuation.
COMPARED TO COPPER CABLE Fibre has a much larger bandwidth Fibre has a much lower attenuation Fibre is unaffected by electromagnetic interference Fibre does not radiate electromagnetic energy Fibre is small and light Fibre has a much larger bandwidth so more information can be sent down the fibre Fibre has a much lower attenuation so the information can travel further Fibre is unaffected by electromagnetic interference so it can be used safely near electrical machines and sources of interference Fibre does not radiate electromagnetic energy so it is totally secure and it will not interfere with other cables and equipment Fibre is small and light so it is easy to install and takes up little space in the cable trays and ducts
DIFFERENT TYPES OF FIBRE The terms “62.5/125” means a core of 62.5 microns in diameter and a cladding of 125 microns in diameter.
TIGHT BUFFERED OPTICAL FIBRE Nine-hundred micron tight buffered fibre is the smallest fibre suitable for direct termination with optical connectors. For this reason it is the preferred type of fibre for use indoors, where it is common to fit connectors directly to the end of the fibres in the patch panels and remote outlets. It is also used for “pigtails” where an external fibre can be fitted with a connector by splicing on a previously terminated piece of fibre with a connector fitted. - Easy strip up to 150mm - very robust - easy to directly terminate with a connector - individual colours to aid fibre identification
FIBRE TYPES Why are there different fibre types? The smaller the core, the lower the attenuation the higher the bandwidth But more difficult to terminate and measure
FIBRE TYPES so, small core fibre such as 9/125um are usually used in long distance telecomm applications 50/125um and 62.5/125um fibres are usually used in short haul datacomms applications, typically up to 2Km
OPTICAL FIBRE PERFORMANCE Wavelength of operation Attenuation Bandwidth
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Wavelength in Meters Frequency in Hz Increases
WAVELENGTH WINDOWS Wavelength These are the windows of operation 1st Window 850nm 2nd Window 1300nm 3rd Window 1550nm 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 These are the windows of operation 1st window 850 nm 2nd window 1300nm 3rd window 1550nm these are all in the infrared spectrum
OPTICAL FIBRE SPECIFICATION Fibre Bandwidth Attenuation Dispersion Refractive Type MHz - km dB/km ps/nm - km Index 850nm 1300nm 850nm 1300nm 1300nm 1550nm 50/125 500 500 2.8 0.8 1.481 62.5/125 200 500 3.2 0.8 1.495 1300nm 1550nm Singlemode 0.38 0.25 3.5 18 1.472 Note the refractive index is required for OTDR set up. Note bandwidth is not stated for singlemode but is roughly equivalent to 30GHz. km.
OPTICAL FIBRE SPECIFICATION BBR Optical Fibre meets or exceeds the specifications for -: ISO 11801 EIA/TIA 568A FDDI Gigabit Ethernet Token Ring Higher performance is available to special order eg 800 MHz-km fibre for IBM ESCON trunk links Singlemode fibre is standard telecommunications grade
OPTICAL FIBRE SPECIFICATION BBR Optical fibre cables will still be within specification after the rigours of installation if :- The cable is installed according to instructions and bend radius, tension, crush and torsional load limits are not exceeded. The cable is used within its environmental constraints and temperature ranges Note: The fibre is proof tested to 1%, (100 Kpsi) to ensure long life. Many other fibres are only tested to 0.5%.
OPTICAL FIBRE TESTING OTDR - Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Filename : 03-B-310 . TDR Test : 2PT FIBER ATTENUATION Measurement Results Curser (C) : 400.000m Marker (M) : 104.000m Length diff : 296.000m 2 Pnt. Loss : 5.217 dB Loss/Length : 17.624 dB/km 0.000 250.000 500.000 -0.00 -3.00 -6.00 -9.00 -12.00 -15.00 -18.00 dB OTDR trace showing a faulty fibre (caused by an over tight nylon tie?) The OTDR works by sending a pulse of laser light down the fibre. When this pulse of light energy encounters physical changes in the fibre itself or changes in the transmission characteristics caused by connectors, splices, bends or breaks, some of the light is reflected back towards the source. An important factor in the calibration of an OTDR is knowing the Refractive Index of the fibre that is being tested. The RI of a fibre governs the speed at which the light pulse travels down the fibre and is required to be set on the instrument to ensure that the time domain is accurate for the type of fibre being tested. The OTDR is a very useful instrument, which can point out problems in the system, their location and enable the installer to rectify these faults quickly.
OPTICAL FIBRE TESTING OTDR - Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Filename : 03-B-310 . TDR Test : 2PT FIBER ATTENUATION -0.00 dB -3.00 -6.00 -9.00 -12.00 -15.00 -18.00 0.000 250.000 500.000 The above slide shows the use of a tail lead. This lead is fitted in order to measure the loss across the remote connector. Measurement Results Cursor (C) : 402.000m Marker (M) : 104.000m Length diff : 298.000m 2 Pnt. Loss : 6.017 dB Loss/Length : 17.624 dB/km
Power Meter and Light Source OPTICAL FIBRE TESTING Power Meter and Light Source The light source and power meter give absolute dB loss for each fibre but give much less information than the OTDR. It is often a more appropriate test for very short lengths however.
OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTORS The most popular connector in datacomms is the “ST” connector But the “SC” is specified in ISO 11801 The SC can be used for both Multimode and Singlemode, but the ST is nearly always used for Multimode.
OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTORS Two optical connectors are matched together using a device referred to by different names, ie “uniter”, “adaptor”, or “coupler” The “uniter” or “adaptor” is usually bulkhead mounted in a patch panel. SC UNITER ST UNITER
OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTORS The connectors are fitted to the fibre using :- “Pot and Polish” “Crimp and Cleave” “Hot Melt” “Anaerobic” (cold cure) The connectors may be fitted on site directly onto the ends of the fibre, or they may be factory fitted onto the “pigtails” which are then spliced onto the main fibre on site. BBR only recommend “Pot & Polish”, “Hot Melt” or the Anaerobic connectors for the 15 year warranty.
OPTICAL FIBRE SPLICING Two methods, fusion splicing and mechanical splicing. The two fibres to be spliced are cleaved to give an accurate 90 degree end faces and then brought together between two electrodes. An electric arc struck between the two electrodes melts the fibre ends together. Typical splice loss is 0.2dB.
OPTICAL FIBRE SPLICING Mechanical Splicing The mechanical splice is essentially a precision made glass or elastomer tube. The optical performance is nearly as good as a fusion splicer. The start up tooling costs for mechanical splicing is very low , but ongoing cost per splice is quite high. Anybody doing more than 1000 splices per year would be better off with a fusion splicer.
OTHER OPTICAL COMPONENTS Other components used are :- in-line joints distribution joints transition joints rack mounted patch panels wall mounted patch panels