Grammar Mondays They’re baaaaaack!
Agenda Plan for the week Introduce new Word Bag Words Grammar Skill Refresher Bonus Skills – Often confused words End Goal – Be able to craft sentences with proper grammar
Plan For Week Monday – Grammar Monday Tuesday – Introduce New Play/Begin Act 1 Wednesday – Begin Analyzing Play Thursday – Finish Act 1 Friday – Creative Writing - Poetry
Word Bag Words Comely Obtuse Boorish Tenacious Calamitous Irksome attractive Boorish Crude/Insensitive Calamitous Disastrous Feckless Weak/Irresponsible Obtuse Blunt/stupid Tenacious Persistent Irksome Annoying Garrulous Wordy/Talkative
Grammar Refresher Dependent/Independent Clause Semicolons Comma Rule 1
Clauses Dependent Clause Independent Clause A group of words that does not express a complete thought Since I ate ice cream Despite the cold weather Independent Clause An independent clause is a sentence It can stand completely on its own I ate ice cream. Jim studied in the coffee shop In order to use those rules correctly, you MUST know clauses:
Semicolons 1: Two formulas: 2: There was a thunderstorm last night; it scared my dog. 2: There was a lot of rain last night; therefore, my basement flooded. Two formulas: 1: Independent clause; independent clause. 2: Independent clause; conjunctive adverb, independent clause.
Semicolons 1: 2: Things to notice: There was a thunderstorm last night; it scared my dog. 2: There was a lot of rain last night; therefore, my basement flooded. Semicolons Things to notice: Conj Adverb is NOT capitalized Semicolon comes BEFORE conj adverb An independent clause on BOTH sides.
Comma Rule 1 Use commas to separate independent clauses FANBOYS ONLY For And Nor But Or Yet So The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave. Yesterday was her birthday, so her mom took her to dinner.
Comma Rule 1 Things to notice: BECAUSE is NOT on the list. There are TWO independent clauses Comma comes before FANBOYS The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave. Yesterday was her birthday, so her mom took her to dinner.
Comma Rule 2 Use commas after introductory clauses, introductory phrases, or words that come before the main clause. Hint: Common Starter Words: After, Although, As, Because, Since, When, While While I was eating, I tried to finish my homework. To get a seat, you must be early to class. Hello, my name is Grace.
Comma Rule 2 Things to notice: Dependent clause is matched with an independent clause. While I was eating, I tried to finish my homework. To get a seat, you must be early to class.
Comma Rule 3 That Tuesday, which happens to be my birthday, is the only day I am free for dinner. The prices at that restaurant are amazing. The food, on the other hand, is not that good. I appreciate your hard work. In this case, however, you have seemed to over exert yourself. Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are NOT ESSENTIAL to the meaning of the sentence. Use one comma to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause.
Comma Rule 3 That Tuesday, which happens to be my birthday, is the only day I am free for dinner. The prices at that restaurant are amazing. The food, on the other hand, is not that good. I appreciate your hard work. In this case, however, you have seemed to over exert yourself. If you leave out the clause, phrase, or word, does the sentence still make sense? Does the clause, phrase, or word interrupt the flow of words in the original sentence? If you move the clause, phrase, or word to a different position in the sentence, does the sentence still make sense? Answer YES?!?! Then it is not an essential clause, phrase, or word!
Homework Comma Rule 3 Who is your role model? Comma Rule 2 Would you rather is be summer all year or winter all year? Comma Rule 1 If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be? Comma Rule 1 What is your favorite movie? Semicolon What is your favorite thing about Amundsen? Comma Rule 2 What do you want to do this summer?